Bluetooth Proxy crashing? "too many BLE events"d

If that is on an ESP device as a proxy that is not uncommon, especially if the ESP device is WiFi connected also. ESP32s share time between Bluetooth and wifi on one antenna so that delay is pretty normal. They are better if connected via ethernet.


@brendan @bmtul yep Brendan is spot on :facepunch:

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I wouldn’t consider using a wifi based esp32 for production. Its going to be far too slow. The ESP32-POE-ISO-EA is likely the best available choice on ESPHome Bluetooth Proxy as ethernet is the way to go for bluetooth proxies.

Very helpful, thank you everyone!

If you aren’t running esphome 2022.12.0b2 or later there was some important stability fixes you are missing out on.

Be sure to reflash on the proxies site or from the esphome beta addon as it has all the latest fixes

Another quick update on the proxies:

If you flashed your ESPHome proxy before 7:00AM UTC on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, please flash again as it should improve the connection times.

Please use the web flash tool below or ESPHome addon 2022.12.0b5 or later as the main line ESPHome addon does not yet have the connection time improvements or aarch64 flashing fix:

If you use the ESPHome addon you MUST connect the device via serial to flash it or you will not see the performance improvements with active connections.

Wow, these things are great. Just wanted to come back and say thanks.

My apartment is pretty large/long and it was already wired for ethernet, so I added a POE switch and put one of these boards in each room.

Everything is updating instantly and the connections appear to be solid.

Appreciate all your help

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