I am having trouble with humidity readings from a BME280. For whatever reason, I am consistently getting a lot of variance in the readings in the evening and morning, then it seems to stabilize in the afternoons. This same general pattern happens every day.
The sensor is in a small electrical box located under the eave of my house. It is south-facing. Something I did notice by accident was that if I removed the lid from the electrical box and let the sensor hang freely, the readings improved quite a bit. I added a couple additional vent holes on the bottom to see if it improves. Any thoughts on why this is happening? This is the readings with the lid removed.
What do your temperature values look like when it’s giving wonky humidity values? My money is on temperature spikes from the sun, causing your relative humidity values (which are dependent on temperature) to also go wonky. Even if it’s not DIRECTLY in the sun, it could be picking up radiation from other surfaces that ARE in the sun. Then when you get even a gentle breeze, it could be enough to also drop the temperature back down to a more accurate value.
I have overlaid humidity and temp. The left side of the chart is the area of interest with high humidity variance. I don’t see any immediate correlation.
Flimsy connections, vibration from some motor?
I can make a looong list of possibilities, but I would concentrate on time related pattern. What’s different in ambient when interferences show up?
If that cable is not shielded/grounded, whatever can interference at that length.
But OP described certain time pattern, so I would look for some time based electrical loads in the house/garden.