Hi, my sensor arrived today in the mail. I will install and report values.
So did you guys figure this out? I also have very low readings (8550ohm) and have no clue what this means.
Still waiting for input of other people… at least I am not alone
27899 Ohms lol but i am printing a 13 hours PLA part with my 3D Printer…
I read here https://forums.pimoroni.com/t/bme680-observed-gas-ohms-readings/6608/17
we can have a IAQ value with this formule :
comp_gas = log(R_gas[ohm]) + 0.04 log(Ohm)/%rh * hum[%rh]
How can i integrate this in EspHome with Lambda please?
Wow you found it.
I also want to know how to make it IAQ
you great !! thx.
Your resistance is high (and thus air quality is also good) if you are printing PLA.
Perhaps I should also start printing more 3d parts to have better air quality .
I wonder if we would put both sensors in the same room they would show the same values.
Hopefully PLA is not bad for health like ABS…
Is there a way to convert this value in EspHome? my knoledge is not enought good to make the Lambda formule with comp_gas = log(R_gas[ohm]) + 0.04 log(Ohm)/%rh * hum[%rh]
Any idea?
Did anyone convert gas resistance to AQI?
what are the ranges people are getting in Ohms? I have just set mine up via ESP home and was getting a constant 48633, it was like this for attest 24 hours. I have now moved across to a tasmota device I had lying round and im getting close to 10000.
I have mine in the basement, typically get values ranging from 12,000-16,000.
Last night I was working on some hydraulics, spraying penetrating oils and such, the value shot down to 5,600 overnight and has been crawling back up.
No unfortunately, neither does esp home. I did notice last night though that the home assistant integration does.
I have the BME680 from Adafruit running, and have the IAQ calculatet this way:
- platform: bme680
name: "BME680 Temperature"
oversampling: 16x
name: "BME680 Pressure"
name: "BME680 Humidity"
id: hum
name: "BME680 Gas Resistance"
id: g_res
address: 0x77
update_interval: 60s
# comp_gas = log(R_gas[ohm]) + 0.04 log(Ohm)/%rh * hum[%rh]
- platform: template
name: "BME680 IAQ"
id: IAQ
unit_of_measurement: IAQ
lambda: 'return log(id(g_res).state) + 0.04 * id(hum).state;'
Just use the lambda to do this simpel calculation.
Edit: I run this on a ESP32
Which integration?
First off, thanks for posting the lambda for converting to IAQ. I do have a question though. Since setting this up, my IAQ has been a consistent ~10. I’ve tried blowing on the sensor, burning a candle nearby, trying to see if I see it change and…nothing. Anyone else having oddly consistent readings? All my other parameters seem to fluctuate.
Its working with esphome.
For anyone coming across this I found this one uses the bosch library which has it all built in now
# Minimal example configuration with common sensors
- platform: bme680_bsec
name: "BME680 Temperature"
name: "BME680 Pressure"
name: "BME680 Humidity"
name: "BME680 IAQ"
name: "BME680 CO2 Equivalent"
name: "BME680 Breath VOC Equivalent"
- platform: bme680_bsec
name: "BME680 IAQ Accuracy"
from a room where people smoke