Bmp280 random temperature spikes

I think he’s on the right track.

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Oh thank you! oh, so you guys basically thought me a lot. I mean I bult a lot of it myself, did the connectors, the splitting board. But I honestly never thought the wiring could be that “touchy”.

Thank you, everyone, you are most helpful!

I skipped to the step by lowering the frequency to default 50hz, see how that works out a few days. 400hz is not needed, I have just the habit of keeping it high in the yaml, because of the testing with SSD1306 display on my breakboard.

Might later correct the twisted pairs in the UTP too, since they are paired wrong as I understand.

Everything is relative.
Solid wires are better than daisy chained jumper wires. Twisted pairs are even better. If shielded even better. Then correct pairing, grounding, earthing, distance from other wirings…
It’s not a question of right or wrong but to keep on mind that coupling really happens and that signal wire is technically an antenna.

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I think this is the best single improvement you can do to your setup.

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I’ll observe for a week or two and report back. Thank you a lot!