I just spent a lot time to trying to fix WIFI connectivity issues with one of my 8266 D1 mini boards, and finally tried a brand new board, which fixed the problem. That particular board has accumulated well over 10000 hours of operation, which might or might not be an achievement for a cheap piece of electronics.
What kind of experience people have with these devices? Is some brand better than another? Are Quinled still one of the better ones?
Thanks for the feedback, hopefully this topic raises a discussion.
I have a few d1 minis that have been running faultlessly for years, I also have had 4 fail over the years, it has always been connecting to wifi that has caused the issues. But at £5 odd each it’s not really an issue. I just keep some as backups ready to be installed if one fails. I have not had any esp32’s fail though. Although the oldest esp32 I have is just over a year old. Overall its pretty amazing that you can get these broads delivered from halfway round the world for such a small price, it costs nearly that much to send a Christmas card in the UK.
I celebrated too early, still have connection issues. I have 2 identical boards running with the difference that bme680 is connected to the problematic unit. I soldered a 10 uF electrolytic capacitor between 3.3V and gnd pins, maybe that helps. The other board has only dallas sensors connected. That works fine.
Edit: Adding the capacitor solved issues completely.