Brighten front porch lights, then return to recorded dim level

I’m on vacation. And still running .49.1 - I’ll try to remember to report back when I update.

I’m just trying to do this now and a few mods.
“input_slider” is now “input_number”
“select_value” is now “set_number”

I’m just at work, so can’t test, but i think this is all that is needed to get this running on my 0.73.1

Hmm no dice. Tho I’m using mqtt home base lights, so storing just the brightness is prob not enough.
I’ll see if I can figure out away to achieve this as I use flashing my light red as a warning, but still wanna have them return to normal rather than off after the alert.

I’m still using the code above with no issues. On 0.73.1

No comment about the code discussed in this topic, since I really haven’t taken the time to digest it. But, if you’re looking for a way to save the state of lights and/or switches so that you can return them to the same state at a later time, you might be interested in this:

With MQTT Bruh sensor lights and Bruh Digital leds ?
I’m sure i could use it for the LiFx bulb.

Oooooo, i know what i’m doing today at lunch !

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No, but don’t they still have a brightness value? Shouldn’t the same idea still apply?

You could probably use service_template calls to handle the “turn_on with zero brightness = turn_off” question.

I don’t think i can just send brightness to them as they are RGB, so need the colour to turn on to.

I’ll give the python script a go, but thanks for replying to such an old thread.