Broadlink AC Integration (AC Freedom) (AUX, Dunham, Rcool, Akai, Rinnai, Kenwood, Tornado, Ballu)

I can’t install the add-on.
I click install and it write this:

What is the problem?

This is my configuration
Am I missing something?

Even though this is not starting with Broadlink or whatever but it’s the same mac from theAcFreedom app

This is after I logged every command in the python file for the old integration,
it times out

This is mine.

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I developed a new version of this integrationa and created a new topic for it.

Hello! How we can run in Windows with Oracle VM virtual box and Home Assistant on this machine?

Any luck guys, I just bought 4 ACs :frowning: and got them work in AC Freedom app but not in HA.

I am using the latest version of freedom app, tried the suggestion to use version 1.3.0 with no luck. I am running the latest home assistant OS version.

Home Assistant: 2023.5.4
Supervisor: 2023.04.1
Operating System: 10.2
Frontend 20230503.3 - latest

I would recommend using the integration developed by @Artem_Vladimirov

I tried it with no luck, I also followed the Broadlink AC Integration (AC Freedom), but it does not work.

Can some one put me in the right direction?

Do you have installed the MQTT server? you need it in order to control de ACs with HA. The MQTT server will act similar as a “man in the middle” for communication.

Of course I have one inside home assistant and it is working well, I have several tasmota devices and ESPHome ones too. the issue seems to be authentication failure.

I got this from the new app called “broadlinkac2mqtt

{"level":"debug","time":"2023-06-04T00:08:44+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/config/config.go:47","message":"Start reading a config file"}
{"level":"info","time":"2023-06-04T00:08:44+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/app/mqtt/mqtt.go:42","message":"Connected to MQTT"}
{"level":"debug","payload":"online","topic":"homeassistant/status","time":"2023-06-04T00:08:44+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/app/mqtt/subscriber/subscriber.go:112","message":"new home assistant LWT message"}
{"level":"debug","input":{"Mac":"ec0bae13111a"},"time":"2023-06-04T00:08:44+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/app/repository/cache/cache.go:106","message":"device not found in cache"}
{"level":"debug","input":{"Mac":"ec0bae13111a"},"time":"2023-06-04T00:08:44+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/app/repository/cache/cache.go:91","message":"ambient temperature not found in cache"}
{"level":"error","input":{"Mac":"ec0bae13111a"},"time":"2023-06-04T00:08:44+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/app/repository/cache/cache.go:185","message":"device availability is not found in cache"}
{"level":"error","input":{"Mac":"ec0bae13111a"},"device":"ec0bae13111a","time":"2023-06-04T00:08:44+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/app/service/service.go:1234","message":"failed to read the device availability"}
{"level":"error","error":"ErrorDeviceNotFound","input":{"Status":"online"},"time":"2023-06-04T00:08:44+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/app/mqtt/subscriber/subscriber.go:120","message":"failed to get states"}
{"level":"error","error":"read udp> i/o timeout","time":"2023-06-04T00:08:54+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/app/webClient/client.go:43","message":"Failed to read the response"}
{"level":"error","input":{"Command":101,"Payload":"RTRS5/ku2pWDRJMINe+abftpLcNwuQRDrFzWP7tTrfoIgUyn+M9BcQAyjlcMO4bJTQVwhEmjieKa4QRUNqBb3dwCwWGvEyXofhmw99HOBo0=","Mac":"ec0bae13111a"},"device":"ec0bae13111a","time":"2023-06-04T00:08:54+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/app/service/service.go:703","message":"failed to send a command"}
{"level":"error","error":"read udp> i/o timeout","input":{"Mac":"ec0bae13111a"},"time":"2023-06-04T00:08:54+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/app/service/service.go:140","message":"failed to send command"}
{"level":"error","error":"read udp> i/o timeout","device":"ec0bae13111a","time":"2023-06-04T00:08:54+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/main.go:170","message":"Failed to Auth device ec0bae13111a. Reconnect in 3 seconds..."}
{"level":"info","time":"2023-06-04T00:08:56+03:00","caller":"/github/workspace/main.go:204","message":"Got SIGINT..."}

Although I followed the steps carefully.

I have ANDE AC which as I understand is just a rebranded AUX AC for European market. I am using AC MQTT proxy for home assistant (by Arbuzov) but am getting continuous Starting/Stopping messages in the logs:

Starting Monitor...
(200, ('', 80))
Starting Monitor...
(200, ('', 80))

My configuration:

  daemon_mode: true
  update_interval: 10
  self_discovery: false
  bind_to_ip: false
  host: addon_core_mosquitto
  port: 1883
  client_id: ac_to_mqtt
  user: mqtt
  passwd: mqtt123
  topic_prefix: /aircon
  auto_discovery_topic: homeassistant
  auto_discovery_topic_retain: false
  discovery: false
  - ip:
    mac: ***
    name: Room
    port: 80

I logged into the addon container and noticed that the process is being killed and recreated with new PID every couple of seconds. Is it a normal behavior?

I am happy to do additional tests if someone is willing to instruct how to troubleshoot the issue further.

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I have new ANDE/AUX AC. Perhaps it uses the new method. How could we see if it does?

I have a two docker installations "broadlinkac/broadlink_ac_mqtt] and [] installed. Unfortunately they both won’t connect to the AC device (AC1 AUX AC Freedom).
I read about that you should stop (and delete the app) half way the wifi configuration process. I have tried everything. Even blocking url by using the firewall and DNS server (AdGuard).
Docker still refuses to connect to the AC unit.
Ping from docker works and finds the AC device.

With nmap i do get the following information back:

# nmap -sU -p80
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( ) at 2023-06-14 13:39 CEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.40s latency).

80/udp    open|filtered http
MAC Address: EC:0B:AE:A6:80:4B (Hangzhou BroadLink Technology)

It seems port 80 UDP is open but filtered.
My question is if you all also experience this?
Must this port be completely open before it will connect?
Wondering of people who made it work wat their results are when a doing port check with nmap?


device info:

"Data Cloud":"Europe",

It does not seem to be the issue. Mine are in the same open|filtered and working fine with artemvaldimirov build.

It worked perfectly for me, but I need to restart the addon every time the system restarts

I’ve the same. There is absolutly no response from the AC (AUX) when I send the UDP packet at 80. When I wireshark the Freedom APP it goes outside using some Amazon server. SOme suggested to look at the device info @ Freedom APP to find the correct port but none is listed. It seems there is no local connection at all (which is the whole idea!)

The log
2023-07-13 12:49:55,086,86 DEBUG [] Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\marti\OneDrive\Documenten\Sources\repos\myAUX\myAUX\broadlink_ac_mqtt\classes\broadlink\”, line 288, in send_packet
response = self.cs.recvfrom(1024)
socket.timeout: timed out

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\marti\OneDrive\Documenten\Sources\repos\myAUX\myAUX\”, line 344, in start
devices = AC.make_device_objects(config[‘devices’])
File “C:\Users\marti\OneDrive\Documenten\Sources\repos\myAUX\myAUX\broadlink_ac_mqtt\”, line 76, in make_device_objects
device_objects[device[‘mac’]] = broadlink.gendevice(devtype=0x4E2a, host=(device[‘ip’],device[‘port’]),mac = bytearray.fromhex(device[‘mac’]), name=device[‘name’],update_interval = self.config[‘update_interval’])
File “C:\Users\marti\OneDrive\Documenten\Sources\repos\myAUX\myAUX\broadlink_ac_mqtt\classes\broadlink\”, line 22, in gendevice
return ac_db(host=host, mac=mac,name=name, cloud=cloud,devtype= devtype,update_interval = 0)
File “C:\Users\marti\OneDrive\Documenten\Sources\repos\myAUX\myAUX\broadlink_ac_mqtt\classes\broadlink\”, line 385, in init
if self.auth() == False:
File “C:\Users\marti\OneDrive\Documenten\Sources\repos\myAUX\myAUX\broadlink_ac_mqtt\classes\broadlink\”, line 208, in auth
response = self.send_packet(0x65, payload)
File “C:\Users\marti\OneDrive\Documenten\Sources\repos\myAUX\myAUX\broadlink_ac_mqtt\classes\broadlink\”, line 294, in send_packet
raise ConnectTimeout(200,
broadlink_ac_mqtt.classes.broadlink.ac_db.ConnectTimeout: (200, (‘’, 80))

2023-07-13 12:49:55,086,86 ERROR [] (200, (‘’, 80))
2023-07-13 12:49:55,087,87 INFO [] Stopping

The bad news is that none of the current methods work with the new Aircons. It appears that only one TCP port is active; the previous UDP methods are no longer available. Maybe someone can figure out what the communication is or what this port is used for in order to obtain some statistics.

nmap -p 12416

Host is up (0.071s latency).

12416/tcp open unknown

I am using this for 1 month and it is awsome!!

I have only 1 problem, the commands to AIRCON work great, the state of FAN, Temperature, Swing, etc., all works great apart the state of the system. When i start it is COOL mode it is OK, but after some seconds the state is changes to “OFF”. Sometimes the state last longer.

Any hint why the state is reset to OFF and how this can be fixed?

Thanks a lot!!