Broadlink RM Pro + Livolo Switches + RF learning woes

I got those strange codes once three or four years ago. And as far I remember it was fixed with a rmpro firmware update…
But you still can get the write codes from the other rm that is working fine and config the new one slave switches based on those codes… This should be just for setup your switches… Once done won’t see this nevermore.

The problem is that RM4Pro does not accept the codes (does not emit the command at all), so I cannot reuse the codes from the “good” one… or maybe I misunderstood your reply?

Yes, you understood my reply…
That worked for me!!!

I Think your RM4Pro is working with a different code signals, and a firmware update could fix that!
Have you tried updating “broken” RMPRO firmware from broadlink app?

I’ve have both of them on the latest version:

  • (older) RMPro: v20025
  • (newer) RM4Pro: v52079

Old one is most likely Chinese version, as when I add it to HA it has a default name in Chinese, as for RM4Pro, don’t really know yet

You could try emmiting the codes generated by the my app using RMPro and capturing them on the RM4Pro to test what it generates and try to compare.

One of the reasons the codes are longer could be because they repeat (by default 64 times), maybe the algo in RM4Pro does not sense that so it generates a longer code.

That was also on my to-do list :slight_smile:

Original code (generated):

Captured codes (4 tries):


Before starting digging much deeper, do those captured codes work on the switches when used via HA’s remote.send_command ?

I see a pattern (the original code repeats in some of the captured codes, not always cause of RF interference), I see the header is longer (not sure of the meaning as I can’t find it anywhere) and I’m not sure exactly how the payload works as I just copied it from another script (0x0606 is a 0 and 0x0c is a 1). I also see the 0x13 preceding the repeating code which is the pulse length.

It will take some time since I don’t have the device, but I might be able to figure it out in the end. @adrian-dobre by any chance you in Bucharest ?

They “work”, as in they are being sent, but rarely recognised by the switches (as in almost never), which is weird because the learn functionality used to work, badly, but it did worked some of the time - but I used to learn from the Livolo remote, not what other RMPro sent (however it should be the same). Maybe a recent software update broke something?

I’m in Bucharest’s “metropolitan area” (Popesti) :slight_smile: . I’ll try to look for a different FW, try a manual reflash.

I’ve also looked at the code and yeah, noticed same stuff (longer header, some repeating patterns) - but could not “translate” a working code to the “new” format…

Sorry, I no longer using any livolo and do not have RM4pro… I moved all my device to tasmota.

I tried to learn the same code 10 times, and I have some promising results:

  1. it seems that the header is something like this: b2c8b004009f06002004 - the first two match the header you use in your script (b2, repeats = 200), the rest of it… I don’t know what it represents and how correct it is as there is some difference between learned commands; but it seems to be working fine
  2. then we have the repeated sequence (13xxxxxx…) - RM4Pro seems to like long commands, or maybe that’s Livolo (based on @aMUSiC posts) - but no longer than 2768 hex chars (or 1848 base64 chars)

Using those two “rules” I could convert generated codes to RM4Pro compatible commands - they work reliably for ON/OFF scenes - TOGGLE commands needing some tweaking when it comes to the number of repeated sequences (too many triggers 2 toggles, too few and it might not get registered) - I found 15 repeats to work fine, so far

Thanks @tyjtyj for your work! Can you share some info over how you found the header used for the commands and/or remote/button coding? was all of it reverse engineering?

Repeats of the code have multiple factors. First one is the livolo remote. Depending on the build, the longer you press the button, the more times the RF sequence it will be repeated. When I was recording codes before tyjtyj’s generator, Inwas trying to go with extremely short key presses on the remote. The next one is thr RMPro’s receiver sensitivity and firmware.

If you manage to decipher the sequence and you are able to convert tyjtyj’s generator codes to work with the RM4, my advice is to ditch toggle buttons entirely and only go with scenes since you can generate as many remotes as you want. They work much more reliably than toggles. In my house I have more than 30 livolo switches and a boatload of scene codes to control each one of them individually, but also goups of them, and not a single toggle one.

If you really need to use toggles, I suggest you try different number of repeats of the code until you find the sweet spot (but still you will have missfires). I have about 10% misfires with scenes and IR as well due to mostly frequency pollution and congestion and the RMPro not being very reliable. For instance, I cannot control my AC if it’s a sunny day and my blinds are open so there’s UV saturation in the room with thr RMPro. Interestingly enough, under the same conditions, the AC’s remote works fine!

I suppose that the most reliable solution (and the most expensive one af the same time) would be a knx wired one, followed by wifi (which is also a hassle to install if your house’s wiring doesn’t have a neutral line on the switch sockets)

Thanks for the reply!

Unfortunatelly I don’t have a neutral wire available for the switches and that’s quite a limiting factor; there are a few no-neutral wire options, but I wasn’t convinced by any of them (yet).

I have to use some toggles because I have 2 gang / 2 way switches and I think I cannot have more than one scene for those?!

But I think there may be a way around that by using a scene for “on only” and the “all off” button of a different remote for each gang? I have to try it, not sure if it works.

For all the other lights I do use ON/OFF and they work beautifully.

Did anybody tried livolo’s zigbee switches? Are they any good? I heard that they are not very reliable, but they’d fit nicely as they’re working without a neutral wire. Another issue is that they use a custom/proprietary zigbee profile, they work only with their hub, as far as I know.

I saw the no neutral wire wifi switches, but they need a separate capacitor installation at the lamp. I have two gang and three way switches, but not combined (all of my two and three way switches are single gang). I do remember having an issue with multiple scenes (it’s been several years now) but I think I indeed solved it using scene on + all off and multiple remotes.

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Reverse engineering…

could anyone share 10 working scene code here?
sorry I am not good in programming and still failed after many trial.
or should I buy a new RM Pro instead of rm4pro ?
thanks all

Hi Adrian,

I understand you got some success pairing the RM4Pro with Livolo switches and maybe you can give me some tips since I’m not able to replicate your succes :).

I tried to construct a code, based on the rules you described here:

  1. I added the sequence b2c8b004009f06002004
  2. Appended 13xxx sequence I got from kind3r site or tyjtyj

In the end I got this hex code: b2c8b004009f060020041306060c0c06060606060606060c06060c0c0c0606060606060c0c06060c0c06060c060600000000

I converted to base64 and tried it in HA:

service: remote.send_command
  entity_id: remote.broadlink_rm4_pro_remote

I can see the broadlink device sending the code (the red light blinks once) but I can’t seem to pair it. I press 5 seconds, it beeps, I send the code and nothing happens.

The switch is a Livolo C7-VL-C701R if it helps.

I even tried to repeat the sequence after 13… to make it longer but the same result.

Thank you!

Hi Bogan,

Does something like this work for you?:


if they work, try to use the “rules” from this post: Broadlink RM Pro + Livolo Switches + RF learning woes - #152 by adrian-dobre

Indeed it works! I thought I followed the rules from that post. Must’ve done something wrong, I’ll take a closer look at the working examples.

Thanks again!