Broadlinkac2mqtt - Control your broadlink-based air conditioner with Home Assistant

I see there is Added support of Home Assistant BIRTH AND LAST WILL MESSAGES. Does that mean I can check the current state the air conditioning is in?

My situation is this:
I do have the broadlink RM4 Pro switching my aircon on and off through IR.
When I leave the house it has to switch off the aircon.
I want to be able to check if it is really switched off, so the aircon is not running for days or weeks when I’m on holiday.
Another thing is when the aircon is not running and the Broadlink will send the on/off command it will turn on instead of off.

Is this last will message a way to do this?
Is it possible anyway for the aircon to report back over IR?


IR has no feedback. The signal is sent in one direction only

Yes, I thought so. I’m wondering how do those AC remotes get their information on the display. I’ve seen information on current temp, goal temp, fan speed, etc. Does that work with RF?

I’ve made a few changes to the addon. Can anyone check if the program is running? I don’t have a raspberry at the moment to test. it is necessary to check the dev branch

I’m just trying to integrate my AUX air conditioner, my HA runs on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+. I would say the addon is running but I cannot authenticate with the air conditioner.

s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
{"time":"2024-04-11T20:40:15.67812641Z","level":"ERROR","source":{"function":"*webClient).SendCommand","file":"/github/workspace/app/webClient/client.go","line":43},"msg":"Failed to read the response","err":"read udp> i/o timeout"}
{"time":"2024-04-11T20:40:15.678815573Z","level":"ERROR","source":{"function":"*service).SendCommand","file":"/github/workspace/app/service/service.go","line":720},"msg":"failed to send a command","err":"read udp> i/o timeout","device":"<macAdress>","input":{"Payload":"WqWqVVqlqlUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADu7wAAKk5lAH9b7Auu06w6AAAAAKHDAABFNFLn+S7alYNEkwg175pt+2ktw3C5BEOsXNY/u1Ot+giBTKf4z0FxADKOVww7hslNBXCESaOJ4prhBFQ2oFvd3ALBYa8TJeh+GbD30c4GjQ==","Ip":"","Port":80}}
{"time":"2024-04-11T20:40:15.680329992Z","level":"ERROR","source":{"function":"*service).AuthDevice","file":"/github/workspace/app/service/service.go","line":137},"msg":"failed to send command","err":"read udp> i/o timeout","input":{"Mac":"<macAdress>"}}
{"time":"2024-04-11T20:40:15.681011186Z","level":"ERROR","source":{"function":"main.(*App).Run.func1","file":"/github/workspace/main.go","line":162},"msg":"failed to Auth device <macAdress>. Reconnect in 3 seconds...","err":"read udp> i/o timeout"}


This is all im getting when trying to start the dev version.

I’ve discovered that newer Broadlink models primarily communicate through a cloud API, marking a shift away from the local MQTT methods we’re accustomed to. During my tests using the AC Freedom app and PCAPdroid app, I was able to control the air conditioner by sending commands in JSON format. For example:

With commands like "act": "set" and "act": "get", you can adjust the temperature or retrieve information. However, a downside is that if Broadlink updates their API or if the cloud service goes down, this method won’t work anymore.

Has anyone else experimented with this API?

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Hey thanks for this but I have some questions. Currently have the Broadlink integration in my Home assistant but have been controlling via scripts.

I have a LG, Panasonic, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi and Diakin and accordingly have a RM pro, and 4 RM mini’s. So its been a pain setting it up since add scripts have to be done manually. I added all AC’s to Broadlink app but need control in HA.

What I am asking is if Broadlinkac2mqtt has support for all these and if all those can be controlled within home assistant? Sorry new to it so trying to understand how it works etc.

Ok on reading the info again I am thinking you are referring to specific chipset based Air cons. Sorry the confusion is due to same name.

@Artem_Vladimirov just wanted to say it works!
It works with my AUX Freedom

I use HA Green (not raspberry not Linux etc)
I used repository option.

  1. Add AC to AC freedom app
  2. Get mac and IP from router admin (edit mac to proper format)
  3. Edit config with the above data

Device is there, Ican control everything (the Celcus and farenheit is wrong, but I’ll see what’s the problem later)

hope this helps