⚪ Bubble Card - A minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch

This issue is fixed in the v2 beta, after the update just place your pop-ups before all your other cards.

Starting to work my way through all the new options with v2 but can you tell me how do I change the colour of the icon on each card?


But with button_type slidder the icon always shows a closed cover.

Top bubble, bottom mushroom:


I am trying to detect if a bubble card is open and change the color of an icon on my sticky menu-bar.
The bubble-card is named #test and this is my code for background color:

                  - background: >
                      [[[var hash = window.location.hash;
                      if (hash == '#test') return 'red';
                      else return 'none';]]]

It does not seem to detect the bubble card, even if I can see it add #test to the URL.

Also, is it possible to change the margin at the bottom? Right now my buttons are covered by my sticky menu bar which is always visible.


Same issue here… i fixed it temporarely adding two or three columns card, but i hope @Cloos will fix it definitely asap.

This issue is fixed in the v2 beta, here is the full changelog:


I’ve added this to my to-do list for the next release.

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Noticed another thing, created a Helper which counts how many lights are on. Put this in “Optional - Entity state to display”. It does not update as it should inside the Bubble Card. Outside it works as it should?

This issue is fixed in the v2 beta, it is available on HACS, just click on redownload and toggle the “Show beta version”.

It seems i still need to add three columns cards to see the latest card. If i delete the three columns card i get the related issue…
And i always get the annoying error that force me to clear the caches repeatedly…

Can you explain me what you mean with:

just place your pop-up before all cards to ensure a correct layout.

I still do not understand…

I will probably have to edit that text to makes it clearer, what I mean is that the pop-ups now have to be the first cards in your view in the editor (ordered before all the other cards), but if everything is working for you you don’t have to worry about that.

Could it be possible in next versions to have the chance to create more than one HBS in the same view?

Just updated to v2 beta, and the issue persist. I have the template Helper which counts lights open separately, and I can see it updates without any problems. But not in the bubble card?

I will have to test that specific use case. Thank you for the feedback!

This is the Template sensor helper:

{% set exclusions = ['light.office_1', 'light.office_2', 'light.office_3'] %}
          {{ states.light
            | rejectattr('attributes.entity_id', 'defined')
            | rejectattr('entity_id', 'in', exclusions)
            | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | list | count }}
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Awesome, works perfectly fine now, thanks!

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This is not possible. The hash is interpreted only once, when the page loads the first time.
You can try to refresh the page with the hash already in the url to check (make sure it actually refresh for real with CTRL+R) , this should work, but it wont be updated if the hash changes afterwards.
That being said, if you find another way to achieve this let me know :grinning:

That is weird that it doesn’t work with changing colors. Because I can use this exact same thing for changing the URL/Navigation path of the same button without a reload:

                action: navigate
                navigation_path: >
                  [[[var hash = window.location.hash; if (hash == '#belysning')
                  return 'hem'; else return '#belysning';]]]