⚪ Bubble Card - A minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch

What version do you see in the Bubble Card editor when you are on your phone? (You can see it in the footer)

Edit: Have you installed it with HACS?


Is it possible to change the colour of a sub-button icon based on state of an entity?

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 12.23.11

If the climate state is cool, the icon will change to snowflake with this code:

${subButtonIcon[0].setAttribute("icon", hass.states['climate.a_c_quarto'].state === 'off' ? 'mdi:fan-off' : hass.states['climate.a_c_quarto'].state === 'cool' ? 'mdi:snowflake' : hass.states['climate.a_c_quarto'].state === 'heat' ? 'mdi:fire' : 'mdi:fan' )}

But I also want to change the icon color to blue. Is it possible?

Thank you

You can add this in your custom styles, I will add this example in the documentation:

.bubble-sub-button-1 > ha-icon {
  color: ${hass.states['climate.a_c_quarto'].state === 'on' ? 'green' : 'black'} !important;

Thank you!



I am loving this card and using it in my dashboard. One question I have though is how do you change the 1 day to go and 0 days to tomorrow and today?

I use the Waste Collection Service Integration which then means I have some sensors set up that get the information directly from my local council.

I’m currently hiding the icon for the seperator card using icon:none, but how do I remove the space where the icon was so the title aligns left?

Alternatively, I could use a Title card as a workaround.

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 17.21.16

So im using the bubble card pop-up as a pop-up menu for my views which looks really good, but is there a way to get rid of the button up to the right which is unnecessary since i use the pop-up button to close the menu?
I also wonder if its possible to change the opacity of the buttons in the menu, and the background of it.

To get rid of the “X” use the following code in the custom styles section of the popup:

.pop-up > :first-child 
{ display: none !important; }

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That fixed it, thanks!
Another thing that bothers me… I changed the font size for the separators i use as headers for every view, which would look esthetically good if it wasnt for the text being cut off. Any way to expand the text-field to prevent it from being cut off like this? Or resize the card height to prevent it from happening?
You can see it in the g in “Belysning”

@Cloos any ideas here on having a media player be in the top level of a popup?

Hi guys,

can anybody help me with the following… I would like to set a background color for my icon in the header. What’s the card-mod code for this? I can not figure it out. Thanks.

Like here:

This should work:

.bubble-icon-container {
    background: rgb(230, 128, 41); !important;

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Your can try this:

.bubble-name {
    height: 24px

Or otherwise have a look at the styles.ts section of the separator card:


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Hi everyone,

How can I override the orange when a switch bubble is on please ?

I used this from the github :

  .bubble-button-card-container {
    background-color: ${state === 'on' ? 'green' : 'red'} !important;

It goes green but directly after go orange.

Thanks for the help,


… turn off “show background when entity is on” in the button settings…

I am interested to use bubble-card like you… can you please share your code so i can get ideas?

Sorry for my noob question, but where is it ? I can’t find it… thx and sorry

Made a screenshot: