⚪ Bubble Card - A minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch

This worked! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

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any help please? thanks

Probably but I’m not using card_mod anymore, I have shared how to do an horizontal row of sub-buttons in the Styling section, this is how I use it.

Your custom style is only working to resize an icon, what you want is to resize the icon container, you can do that this way:

.bubble-icon-container {
  min-height: 28px !important;
  min-width: 28px !important;
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Ah okay, working great thanks!

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Did you figure this out?

Here’s how I achieved this using styling:

${card.querySelector('.bubble-state').innerText = hass.states['sensor.master_bedroom_temperature'].state + "°F"}


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@Cloos Any chance you can provide guidance in getting this JS template to work? Even after updating to v2.0.4, I still can’t get the icon to display in the popup container - it is still blank as pictured in the linked post.

I tried using your example, but I am not able to make it work?

 background: |
        ${window.addEventListener('location-changed', () => { 
        this.location.href.includes('#belysning') ? 'blue' : '';

Only if i haven more than 90% of battery. It’s looks like it only work with 1 conditional operator.

      .bubble-sub-button-1 > ha-icon {
        color: ${hass.states['sensor.oneplus_battery_level'].state >= '90' ? 'green' : hass.states['sensor.oneplus_battery_level'].state >= '60' ? 'light-green' : hass.states['sensor.oneplus_battery_level'].state >= '50' ? 'lime' : hass.states['sensor.oneplus_battery_level'].state <= '40' ? 'yellow' : hass.states['sensor.oneplus_battery_level'].state >= '30' ? 'amber' : hass.states['sensor.oneplus_battery_level'].state >= '20' ? 'orange' : hass.states['sensor.oneplus_battery_level'].state >= '10' ? 'deep-orange' : 'red'} !important;

Maybe some1 could help me figure it out. I have weak JS skills


Figured it out, there was problem with name of color, not all working. So I need it to translate. Here working result if some1 is interested:

.bubble-sub-button-1 > ha-icon {
  animation: ${hass.states['sensor.oneplus_battery_level'].state <= 15 ? 'blink 2s linear infinite' : ''};
  color: ${
    hass.states["sensor.oneplus_battery_level"].state >= 90
      ? "#008000" // Green
      : hass.states["sensor.oneplus_battery_level"].state >= 60
      ? "#35f235" // Light Green
      : hass.states["sensor.oneplus_battery_level"].state >= 50
      ? "#4abd4a" // Lime
      : hass.states["sensor.oneplus_battery_level"].state >= 40
      ? "#FFFF00" // Yellow
      : hass.states["sensor.oneplus_battery_level"].state >= 30
      ? "#FFBF00" // Amber
      : hass.states["sensor.oneplus_battery_level"].state >= 20
      ? "#FFA500" // Orange
      : hass.states["sensor.oneplus_battery_level"].state >= 10
      ? "#FF8C00" // Deep Orange
      : "#FF0000" // Red
  } !important;

@keyframes blink {
  50% {opacity: 0; }


Hi, have you checked your browser console to see if there is any error message?

Took me a while to realise I needed to toggle to show the attribute on the card :man_facepalming:. But working like a dream now!

I’ve redesigned my whole dashboard now, but can’t find a way to get the below vacuum card. Who can help me?.

Is it possible to make the name “dynamic” ? I want to use input.text to give the name, but that is not working :frowning:

      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: separator
        name: '{{ states(''input_text.ruimte_1'')}}'

same with the color of the slider

          style: |
            ha-card > div > div > div > div.range-fill { 
              background: rgb({{ states("input_text.kleur_iconen")}}); 

does not work for me either

Here is the code for my lawn mower, in the end it should be the same only the services i guess you need to change:

  - type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: separator
    name: Mähroboter
    icon: mdi:robot-mower-outline
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        button_type: switch
        entity: lawn_mower.mower
        name: Wall-E
        icon: mdi:robot-mower-outline
          action: call-service
          service: lawn_mower.start_mowing
            entity_id: lawn_mower.mower
          target: {}
        show_state: true
        show_last_changed: true
          - entity: sensor.mower_battery_2
            name: Akku
            icon: mdi:battery-90
            show_background: false
            show_state: true
          - entity: lawn_mower.mower
            name: Dock
            icon: mdi:home
            show_background: false
              action: call-service
              service: lawn_mower.dock
                entity_id: lawn_mower.mower
          - entity: lawn_mower.mower
            name: Pause
            icon: mdi:pause
            show_background: false
              action: call-service
              service: lawn_mower.pause
                entity_id: lawn_mower.mower
          - entity: lawn_mower.mower
            name: Start
            icon: mdi:play
            show_background: false
              action: call-service
              service: lawn_mower.start_mowing
                entity_id: lawn_mower.mower
        card_layout: normal


Does this work for you

  style: |
    ha-card { 
      --bubble-button-background-color: rgb({{ states('input_text.kleur_iconen')}}) !important; 

with this in your text field?

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haha, I rember a chat :slight_smile:

edit: it does work. thanks !

And can I have the slider ( not the background) in another color ?

Can you post your card code? It will help me.

      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: separator
        name: Aline #'{{ states(''input_text.ruimte_1'')}}'
          style: |
            .bubble-line {
              background: rgb({{ states('input_text.kleur_iconen')}}) !important;
              opacity: 0.3;
              height: 2px
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        button_type: slider
        entity: media_player.oefenzaal_tv
        icon: mdi:power
        name: ' '
          style: |
            ha-card { 
              --bubble-button-background-color: rgb({{ states('input_text.kleur_iconen')}}) !important; 