Bug with timers/for ?!

automation using “timers” as triggers or a “for” statement start minutes later than expected…

5 minutes waiting have a delay of 2-3 minutes, more is the time to wait more is the delay…

2022.6.7, anyone else?!


Are you sure your timer is right? Is it a timer or time interval?

Ie ‘5’ is 5 past the hour. Where as ‘/5’ is every 5 minute interval

the trigger is something like this…

  - platform: template
    value_template: >-    
          ...template code here...
      minutes: 5

i have to wait 7-8 minutes… it was working previous versions, but i don’t check the code every release so i don’t know when the problem started…
no one have this problem?!

Why don’t you include the time in your template code like seen in this post

ok, the problem seems occurring only if i use the code in a vm…