Button-Cards calling scripts - card is always with state on, need to change this

yes, but that is low res…


as it is a zoom of:


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what would be your preferred order of clicking… and, do you have a default group(fixed) or do you want to change that… it all depends. Simply adjust the script if you like, or create an automation to execute the script upon clicking. Its all possible…

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For now I only have a default fixed group, and preferred would be to click the scene and it changes immediately…

I’m still learning scripts (started with them last weekend), so would highly appreciate some assistance on this :slight_smile:

Solved it!

Modified the script:

  alias: 'Tiles set Hue scene'
    - service: input_select.select_option
      entity_id: input_select.hue_scenes
        option: >
          {{ option }}
    - service: hue.hue_activate_scene
        group_name: >
          {{ states('input_select.hue_groups')}}
        scene_name: >
          {{ states('input_select.hue_scenes')}}

Not bad popup-card for all lights in the living-room :upside_down_face:


Exactly what I was envisioning!

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Thank you @petro This coming from you mean a lot :innocent:

And also many thanks to @Mariusthvdb for all the assistance with the Hue scenes, scripts etc

Damn, making vertical- and horizontal-stack in a popup-card was tricky, had to use card-modder (but would love to not use it (trying to remove it completely from my setup).