Buttons for each value of input_select

turning off wont trigger anything.
so that wont create a loop.
you could just put any of them on when they are all off without a loop

the most important is that you dont do any actions on the boolean == “off” unless they are all off.

That seems to work too, I just go through the list of input_booleans, if all are off I turn on the last one again. It’s a bit ugly and flickers off and on ofc and it seems that HASS gui can sometimes be fooled and show the wrong value until I reload the page. The dash seems to handle it better.

Just wonder about scenes that you talked about before, even if I change to scenes there is still no way to make one button per scene value in a dash is there? I’m just feeling this solution is so ugly that it will probably break in some way… :slight_smile:

in this solution you use a turn_off for all other input_booleans, even if they are off.
so you could make that better by a check:

if self.get_state(boolean)=="on":

you avoid the exta runs that way.

there is a scene widget.
but scenes are in HA just activated.
so the widgets dont show if a scene is activated or not.
you can easy make a button for every scene, but there is no way to see in the dashboard which scene is active.
actually i think its also a bit on the edge from perfection to have the need to show which scene is active, because almost always you just have to look around you to know which scene is active.

but that also can be made better.
with a small app that listens to the scenes changing you can set the state from a sensor an extra widget that shows that sensor then always shows which scene is active.

Well, the thing is in my current setup the scene is either user selected or automatically set depending on events. For instance if I turn on the TV, it automatically switches to the TV scene. If I play a movie, it changes to the movie scene. So it is nice to be able to see which scene is active as well. I would prefer that scene to light up, but I guess having an extra widget showing the current scene could be OK. Only thing I’m not sure of is if I want to use the builtin scenes as they force me to specify device states. The scenes I have today are more dynamic as I have different amount of lighting depending on the time of day. Not sure HA scenes support this, then I think there has to be multiple scenes for each case, i.e. tv_day, tv_evening etc?

Or can I just create empty dummy scenes somehow and put the state changes in my app? As I understand it scenes force you to have an entities attribute, so I don’t know if it’s possible or very useful in this case…

creating dummy scenes to activate apps would be the same as using input_booleans, only with more disadvantages.
if you only want to show which scene is active and not use buttons to set them manual you could use a sensor widget with the input_select you already have.

if you like a manual switchboard that actives apps to set your scenes, then the input_boolean option is the best way to go.
you also could use events or automations to activate the apps with scenes, but they both also just have an on state, so they all always show as on.
the options in a row:

  1. scenes > 1 state buttons (scene widget)

  2. automations > 1 state buttons (switch button always on)

  3. events > 1 state buttons (switch button always on)

  4. script > 1 state buttons (script widget)

  5. input_booleans > 2 state buttons (switch widget)

  6. (template) switches > 2 state buttons (switch widget)

  7. input select > pulldown menu (custom widget) or type in name (custom widget)

  8. input select > 1 state button (mode widget, with scripts)

  9. input slider > step up/step down buttons or slider (custom widget)

  10. input number > give a number for a scene (needs a custom widget)

at the moment i cant think of more options.