C# for Home Assistant

Just wanted to say thank you for making this Limeray! Life is better when you can program automations in stead of configuring them. This is how any smart home should be implemented in the first place. Your project is awesome, it works right out of the box and I love you for making it.

Thanks @Limeray for your hard work!
I was able to write an automation to upload files to azure blob storage in less than an hour. From set up of your add-on to having the files in Azure.
(I’ve written about it on my blog: Upload files from Home Assistant to the Cloud using C# and HTTP (deltacode.be))

Thanks @Limeray for this amazing project. I am using Home Assistant Core in a docker installation, so I am unable to use it as an add-on what is explained in your documentation. I read all the comments and it seems, that it is possible to use your project with Home Assisntant Core installed as a docker container. Is there any step by step documentation on how to use it with a Home Assistant Core installation on docker? I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out.

Is it possible to create sensors?

I doubt that.

@Limeray Thank you for your work! I have two different Home Assistant instances but when I set up the dotnet user-secrets for one instance the other instance can not connect anymore. Is it possible to have two different user-secrets defined for two different Home Assistant servers? If so, what would I have to do?

Hello there!

In Japan, Wi-SUN (ECHONET Lite) is the standard for electricity smart meters.

With a Wi-SUN dongle connected to HA-OS /dev/ttyUSB0,
I created an add-on that reads information from smart meters and sends data via MQTT integration.

I am not familiar with writing Python, so I created it in C#!

Sorry I only have the ReadMe in Japanese.

As a byproduct, I also created a template for add-ons created in C#, if you want to take a look.

This is my first time developing an add-on,
so please let me know if there is anything I’m doing wrong or if there are any improvements I can make.

By the way, I found after I finished making it, there is already an example of an add-on made in C#.


Hi @Limeray
I really love this project and started playing with it about two years ago. I had the intention of creating most automations in C#, but the project now seems completely stale.
Although I much prefer your aproach, should I rather go for https://netdaemon.xyz at this point?

OK, so the add-on has stopped running for me and repository is now archived. Guess this is officially dead :pensive:

If you plan to migrate to net6, may i suggest you to immediatly switch to net8.0 with LangVersion 12 as this is a LTS that will gives less pain in future :wink: