Calculate (sum) two entities to one sensor

I made a template.yaml which is included in configuration.yaml with this template:

- sensor:
  - name: Differenzverbrauch
    unique_id: Differenzverbrauch
    unit_of_measurement: 'W'
    state: '{{ states("sensor.shellyem3_c45bbe6be51f_channel_a_power") |float(0) |round(2)
             + states("sensor.shellyem3_c45bbe6be51f_channel_b_power") |float(0) |round(2) 
             + states("sensor.shellyem3_c45bbe6be51f_channel_c_power") |float(0) |round(2) }}'
    device_class: energy


Hi @dirksenrdh

Can I conclude that you are using Iungo?

grtz chauf

Helper: Subtract/Add/devide/multiply two sensor values please vote


can someone explain to me how to create the sensor.energy_consumption_tarif_1?

does this have anything to do with mqtt?

Hi all,

Can some help me to calculate only the energy consumption if it is >0?
My template now is following:

- platform: template
       friendly_name: Vermogen (totaal)
       unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
       value_template: '{{ states("sensor.youless_consumption_high" )| float + states("sensor.youless_consumption_low") | float }}'

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Maybe this will guide you.

value_template: >
  {% if is_state('switch.sonoff_1000bee815', 'on') %}
    {{ ((states('sensor.sonoff_1000bee0f9_temperature')|float
    |float | round(1) }}
  {% else %} 0.0 {% endif %}

I have the following template that appears to work:

But I’m getting errors in the yaml config check.

I’m new to yaml but after a lot of research can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong! Can someone help please?

I believe there’s an error in the indentation and " vs ’

  - sensor:
      - name: "house_cons_in_w"
        unique_id: "sensor.house_cons_in_W"
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        device_class: power
        state: "{{ states('sensor.p1_meter_grid_power_W') | float + states('sensor.pv_total_instant_solar_power_w') | float }}"

Hi all,
I am trying to make a subtraction from an energy value. I do the operations in Jinja2 templating and the result is ok.

But I write the lines in the condifuraion.yaml and give me errors:
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: invalid key: “{‘states(sensor.es0021000013482086rn_accumulated_consumption) |float - (24991)|float’: None}”
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 198, column 0

Somebody can help me, please? Thanks a lot.