It’s not a mistake, it’s a leaning curve A step one at that.
I’m going to flash it so it has the default 240v
@wyx087 - Just wondering what value emonCMS gives for storing sensor readings beyond Home Assistant. What I mean is, I have energy reading coming into HA and I can look at power usage. I too am just looking into finding out how in HA to show the cost ($$) for the day so far, so I’m trying to read up on “utility_meter”. It seems the sensor readings are all in the HA database (Sqlite) as far as I see so for the moment, so this would mean re storing readings this is already covered so I shouldn’t need emonCMS for this right?
In terms of how to display this I’ve got some AppDaemon scripts working for other things so I just need to see if the out of the box options such as “utility_meter” can use this data and give me the view I want, else I was thinking the next options worst case would be do some scripting in AppDaemon to access the data/massage etc perhaps, and worst case AppDaemon may need to store/persist some items? Sound right? (i.e. shouldn’t need to goto emonCMS then?)
HA database stores everything unless carefully filtered, when the light was turned, when the sensor was triggered. These information are only useful when debugging automation or trying to recall when you did something. So HA by default purge its database everyday and only keep last 7 days.
emonCMS is designed to store historic meter reading. It doesn’t purge database and has a tool to trim data should you find your database becomes too large.
I can see my electricity usage from the day I set it up to now, split into days, weeks, months or even years. HA could do this, but it will require a lot of tweaking to get the sensors correct.
Hi Mark, are you still using this? I’m in the UK as well and was wondering how you were calculating the cost. Have you just input the standing and kWh/hour costs as part of the float calculation?