Calculating Vapor Pressure Deficit (or VPD) in kPa

If someone is still looking for a working template to calculate the absolute humidity very accurately, here is my template that I created based on this calculation: Berechnung von Taupunkt und relativer Feuchte. Since the temperature inside the house should not fall below zero degrees, the calculation only works for positive values. For outside, there would still need to be a query, details can be found on the website mentioned.
The OpenWeatherMap integration is required to get the air pressure. The temperature must be in degrees Celsius, otherwise first convert from Kelvin to Celsius. The result is rounded to two digits and corresponds exactly to the results of the online calculators.

- platform: template
      value_template: >-
        {% set r = states('sensor.scd30_rel_luftfeuchtigkeit') | float(default=0) %}
        {% set t = states('sensor.scd30_temperatur') | float(default=0) %}
        {% set p = states('sensor.openweathermap_pressure') | float(default=0) %}
        {% set sdd =  6.1078 * 10**((7.5 * t)/(237.3 + t)) | float(default=0) %}
        {% set dd =  r/100 * sdd | float(default=0) %}
        {% set af = 10**5 * 18.016/8314.3 * dd/ (t + 273.15) | float(default=0) %}
        {{round(af , 2)}}
      unit_of_measurement: "%"

Edit: It is working by using the min/max/mean then using that in the code below.

Can anyone help me here? I am trying to get an average VPD from 5 different sensors in the room. My code currently showing as unavailable.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Flower 2 VPD Sensor'
        unique_id: CqM2zf9c
        value_template: >-
          {% set T = ((states(('sensor.flower_2_sensor_1_temp'+'sensor.flower_2_sensor_2_temp'+'sensor.flower_2_sensor_3_temp'+'sensor.flower_2_sensor_4_temp'+'sensor.flower_2_sensor_5_temp')/5) | float) - 32) * 5/9 %}
          {% set RH = states(('sensor.flower_2_sensor_1_rh'+'sensor.flower_2_sensor_2_rh'+'sensor.flower_2_sensor_3_rh'+'sensor.flower_2_sensor_4_rh'+'sensor.flower_2_sensor_5_rh')/5)|float %}
          {% set SVP = 0.61078 * e ** (17.2694 * T / (T + 238.3)) %}
          {% set VPD = ((100-RH) / 100) * SVP %}
          {{-VPD | round(2) -}}
        unit_of_measurement: 'kPa'

Have you tried creating two separate value templates for the average temps and humidity and then plugging those templates into the VDP template?

Since typing that, this is what I tried and I just got it working. Now my microclimates in my grow rooms will have an average vpd on screen. I love it. Thanks for checking back.

In case you’re somewhere in the world where your sensors are in Celcius (not F), then I found it easiest to add an additional line to convert between C → F for the remainder of the math to work:

  - platform: template
        unique_id: 'vpd_in_kpa'
        friendly_name: 'VPD in kilo pascals'
        value_template: >-
          {% set TC = ((states('sensor.co2_1_temperature') | float) - 32) * 5/9 %}
          {% set T = (TC * 5 / 9  + 32 | round(2)) %}
          {% set RH = states('sensor.co2_1_humidity')|float %}
          {% set SVP = 0.61078 * e ** (17.2694 * T / (T + 238.3)) %}
          {% set VPD = ((100-RH) / 100) * SVP %}
          {{-VPD | round(2) -}}
        unit_of_measurement: 'kPa'

Hopefully that’s useful to somebody :slightly_smiling_face:
Big thanks to @t_rage for the original calculations!


Has anyone figured out how to display a chart with the VPD shown? Something like how allows you to dump in the data and then displays where you are at? Maybe a color change when it’s off?

I do exactly this…or rather did. I haven’t grown anything with home assistant since 2021. I’ll need to find my Pi, remove the SD card, and look through my data to figure out what I used. Feel free to hit me up on Instagram at rage_of_t to remind me if I happen to forget. In fact…my insta has pictures of these charts in use.

Hi there!
I am one of the creators of We have just released a VPD chart card for HA: GitHub - vpdchart/vpdchart-card: A VPD chart card for Home Assistant
Hope you find it useful.

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I can’t get this to install through Hacs. The url doesn’t work.

I got it to work but thr url you have for hacs install doesn’t work. Used the github repo url

You can’t install it via HACS yet, because the repo is still waiting for approvement as a HACS default repository.

Now, the plugin is installable via HACS

Is there a way to not just chart the current VPD but record the VPD over time in HA? Like to create an entity with a state that is recorded?

I know this is old but it is exactly what I was looking for! One thing though, is that the room VPD and the leaf VPD are two different equations and cannot be used just by replacing the temperature in one another (more info here: The Ultimate Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) Guide - Pulse Grow). This is what I ended up with (in °C):

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "VPD Carpa"
        icon_template: mdi:waves-arrow-up
        value_template: >-
          {% set T = states('sensor.temperatura_indoor')|float %}
          {% set RH = states('sensor.humedad_indoor')|float %}
          {% set SVP = 0.61078 * e ** (T / (T + 237.3) * 17.2694) %}
          {% set VPD = SVP * ((100 - RH) / 100) %}
          {{-VPD | round(2) -}}
        unit_of_measurement: 'kPa'

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "VPD Hoja"
        icon_template: mdi:waves-arrow-up
        value_template: >-
         {% set T = states('sensor.temperatura_indoor')|float %}
         {% set RH = states('sensor.humedad_indoor')|float %}
         {% set LTO = states('input_number.leaf_temperature_offset')|float %}
         {% set LT = T + LTO %}
         {% set ASVP = 0.61078 * e ** (T / (T + 237.3) * 17.2694) %}
         {% set LSVP = 0.61078 * e ** (LT / (LT + 237.3) * 17.2694) %}
         {% set LVPD = LSVP - (ASVP * RH / 100) %}
         {{-LVPD | round(2) -}}
        unit_of_measurement: "kPa"

Cheers, also if you have a non contact temperature sensor you can use:

   - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Canopy VPD"
        icon_template: mdi:waves-arrow-up
        value_template: >-
          {% set T = states('sensor.atom_canopy_average_temperature')|float %}
          {% set RH = states('sensor.atom_canopy_average_humdity')|float %}
          {% set SVP = 0.61078 * e ** (T / (T + 237.3) * 17.2694) %}
          {% set VPD = SVP * ((100 - RH) / 100) %}
          {{-VPD | round(2) -}}
        unit_of_measurement: 'kPa'

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Canopy Leaf VPD"
        icon_template: mdi:waves-arrow-up
        value_template: >-
         {% set T = states('sensor.atom_canopy_average_temperature')|float %}
         {% set RH = states('sensor.atom_canopy_average_humdity')|float %}
         {% set LT = states('sensor.atom_leaf_temperature')|float %}
         {% set ASVP = 0.61078 * e ** (T / (T + 237.3) * 17.2694) %}
         {% set LSVP = 0.61078 * e ** (LT / (LT + 237.3) * 17.2694) %}
         {% set LVPD = LSVP - (ASVP * RH / 100) %}
         {{-LVPD | round(2) -}}
        unit_of_measurement: "kPa"

esphome Which infrared temperature sensor did you use?

MLX90614 aka None Contact IR (NCIR) Sensor

I tried to use the MLX90614 sensor, but found that there is no esphome related code. How did you code it?

Here you go:

Hi Bogdan, Thanks for the VPD chart, its great. Im also wondering if there is a way we can pull out the VPD value to be able to use it in automations, grafana, etc

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