πŸ“… Calendar Add-On + some calendar designs

Hi everyone! :wave:

First, I want to say a huge thank you to @kdw2060 for creating these beautiful calendar designs! Your work has been incredibly inspiring.

After seeing some recent posts about Google Calendar compatibility challenges, I wanted to share something I’ve been working on that might help - Calendar Card Pro.

Inspired by the elegant design shown in this thread, I built a dedicated Lovelace card that:

  • Works with any calendar entity in Home Assistant (Google Calendar, CalDAV, etc.)

  • Doesn’t require any special add-ons

  • Provides similar visual aesthetics with improved performance (no button-card or card-mod required)

  • Supports multiple calendars with color coding

  • Offers compact/expanded views and many customization options

I just released v1.0.0 and would love your feedback! You can find it here:

And again, thanks to everyone in this thread for the inspiration! :pray: