Hi All, The idea is to search through calendar events for a specific entry. It used to work with list_events, but get_calendar function returns results slightly differently. Because CAL_NAME comes right after “calendar.”, Node Red SPLIT function does not work and I am not able to search the Array of the Events. I guess because it falsely treats CAL_NAME as another sub-level in the payload structure.
How do I search though the array? Thanks in advance!
"type": "execute_script",
"sequence": [
"service": "calendar.get_events",
"data": {
"start_date_time": msg.laikasnuo,
"end_date_time": msg.laikasiki
"target": {
"entity_id": [
"response_variable": "service_result"
"stop": "done",
"response_variable": "service_result"
Payload structure:
Split function:
Split fails with: