šŸ“† Calendar Notifications & Actions

I create event with Test name. The automation code:

alias: Test kalendĆ”Å™
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/calendar-notifications-and-actions.yaml
    calendar: calendar.tomas
    calendar_trigger: "@Test"
      - 7ae6e56f635c16314b1da300e61024ec
      - enable_start_action_button_1
    start_action_button_1: OK
    start_action_button_stop: OK
    include_start_notify: enable_start_notify_options
    include_end_notify: enable_end_notify_options
      - 7ae6e56f635c16314b1da300e61024ec
    include_calendar_trigger: enable_key_word

Believe me, no settings in my mobile solved the problem. If it was possible, I wouldnā€™t solve it any other way.

Thanks for any advice.


Thanks for providing your YAML and your trace line. I can see the problem you have is within your keyword. Please check your keyword and note the capital ā€œTā€ in Test. You keyword must be identical copy paste if you have to. If you havenā€™t added your keyword to the calendar event then you will need to add it into the summary or description. Also note if using the same button name ā€œOKā€ you will probably find that only one buttons shows up so make sure your button names are not the same.

Let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

Thanks for Your quick reply. While creating event are two items. Summary and description. I test keyword in summary or both. The words were always identical. I tried different variants, but it works only without keyword. Now i tried new event with word Ahoj.


alias: Test kalendĆ”Å™
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/calendar-notifications-and-actions.yaml
    calendar: calendar.tomas
    calendar_trigger: "@Ahoj"
      - 7ae6e56f635c16314b1da300e61024ec
    include_start_action_buttons: []
    include_start_notify: enable_start_notify_options
    include_end_notify: enable_end_notify_options
      - 7ae6e56f635c16314b1da300e61024ec
    include_calendar_trigger: enable_key_word

You missed the @ symbol add this to your decription @Ahoj ā€¦ It is like a password that links your calendar event to the automation. I call it key word. :wink:

Let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

Thanks. Now it working. But originaly i tried complet without @ (in calendar and automation) and it didnā€™t work. Is @ required?

No, you can use any word but it is a good idea to use a word that your not ever going to be used to describe something in a normal sentence, so adding @ or # or $ etc into a key word is a good way of doing this :wink:

Glad you got it up and going.

Blacky :smiley:

Iā€™m sure I missed it, but are there any options for custom notifiers? I use a script to handle all notifications.

Great project by the way, Thank You.


Yep, just use the start or end auto action options. You have 3 of each you can use. Then in your action select call service / scripts: Turn on and select your script.

@samuelthng has a realy nice blueprint for a script notification with a lot of options. He is very active and supports his blueprint to date. Click Here if you would like to check it out.

Hope this helps you.

Blacky :grinning:


Thank you for taking my suggestions to heart! You are an amazing BP author! Donated!

Fantastic Reply (ā€˜Pictures are my favoriteā€™) :grin: ! Thank You.


Your welcome, and thanks for donating, this realy helps keep my blueprint alive :wink:.

Blacky :smiley:


Your welcome, glad you like it.

Blacky :smiley:

Thanks for Your help.

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Thanks for this great blueprint :clap:
Just little feature request which I added to your code

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@Blacky was kind enough to send me detailled instructions as I am not the worldā€™s best programmer (in fact very far from it :slight_smile: ), I noticed that he uses all day events and I had been looking for time-specific events as triggers.
I have been using my own construction based on all-day events, so I am not sure that I need this blueprint.
This is my own construction:
I created 20 sub-calendars in my Google Calendar: several with different wake-up times (6:30 am, 8 am and one that I named wake-up once), cleaning lady day, club meeting, trips etc.
On the days that I want HA to trigger an automation, in my Google Calendar I create an all-day event with the specific sub-calendar. Example: I have a Friday weekly all-day event named Susan with sub calendar cleaning lady. It happens that she asks to change the day and then for that week I move he event to, letā€™s say, Thursday.
My wifeā€™s work is almost always Monday to Friday, so her wake-up event is entered accordingly in the Google Calendar, with the specific sub-calendar. I have a reminder in the Google Calendar on the weekend to make any changes needed for the following week. As an example, next week Monday is a holiday, so I need to delete her wake-up entry for that day.
All these calendars show up as entities in HA.
For the wake-up automations I first created 2 scripts, one for my wifeā€™s wake-up (lights on, curtains open, Alexa announcements) and one for myself (as I usually get up earlier, only blue lights so as not to wake up my wife).
As there are different wake-up automations, I do not need to repeat the actions and just use one of the scripts.
As trigger I select one of the calendars, letā€™s use the example of wake-up SB 6:30 am:

As these are all-day events, meaning the event starts at midnight, I entered 6:30 off-set (after).
For action I use the relevant script that I created earlier.
Because we sometimes wake up at a non-regular time, I also have a calendar wake-up once and for that I will have to set the off-set every time it is needed, but I can use the existing script.
For other calendars, like cleaning lady day and trips I do not need a script and have specific actions for each.
I am not, in the slightest, claiming that my construction is better than @Blacky 's. In fact, his Blueprint is way more sophisticated and detailled. But with the use of all-day events, my construction works for me and is an alternative.


You donā€™t have to use all day events you can just set a time with no offset and it will trigger on time. I see you have also PM me so I will reply to you there.

Blacky :smiley:

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Hey @Blacky first of all great work on that bluieprint. It is awesome and works perfectly with Google Calendar.

I hope you can help me refine my setup. I use a calendar for the pickup of the waste bins (calendar is prepared by our municipality and i just import it into Google Calendar once a year).

I got everything working fine and receive a notoficatipon one day before pickup at 4pm. Great.

Now they include the info about which of the bins is to be picked up in the ā€œmessage attributeā€ like this:

message: Bioabfall
all_day: true
start_time: 2024-01-17 00:00:00
end_time: 2024-01-18 00:00:00

How can I get this ā€œmessageā€ into my notification? I tried this in the ā€œStart Notify Messageā€ but it does not work:

Morgen wird {{ trigger.calendar_event.message }} abgeholt



Hi Rick,

I donā€™t use google calendar so I canā€™t test or see what is going on but you could try this

{{ trigger.event.data.summary }}


{{ trigger.event.data.description }}

EDIT: These are the HA calendar triggers you can use Click Here. If someone has found the way to add your data from a Google Calendar into the message then please jump in and let us know.

Let us know if this works.

Blacky :smiley: