I’ve been using Home Assistant for a couple years now, and the ISY component integration has been nearly flawless, especially with the refinements this year. This weekend, I ran into an issue while adding binary_sensor status programs for some new ISY variables. The prior discussion concerning the entity registry in the .storage directory provided a workaround/fix for me. Thought I’d share…
Home Assistant is 0.81.5, while ISY is 4.7.3.
So the symptom, after adding the new program folder and status program in ISY, then restarting HAss, I could not find the new binary sensor in HAss. Looking at the dev-state page, I’d find something like the following:
binary_sensor.furnace_closet_leak on friendly_name: TempFolder
I noted that the new TempFolder binary sensor was getting confused with an old sensor/program for furnace_closet_leak, which was deleted some time back. From that it was obvious that the HAss/ISY integration was holding onto IDs for programs, even when they no longer exist. The new ISY program was obviously re-using an old ID, confusing the HAss ISY component. Looking in the .storage/core.entity_registry file, I saw the old association:
“config_entry_id”: null,
“device_id”: null,
“disabled_by”: null,
“entity_id”: “binary_sensor.furnace_closet_leak”,
“name”: null,
“platform”: “isy994”,
“unique_id”: “002C”
So, deleting that entry from the JSON, restarting HAss, I get the following:
binary_sensor.tempfolder on friendly_name: TempFolder
“config_entry_id”: null,
“device_id”: null,
“disabled_by”: null,
“entity_id”: “binary_sensor.tempfolder”,
“name”: null,
“platform”: “isy994”,
“unique_id”: “002C”
With this corrected, I was able to proceed with configuration of the new binary_sensor, based on an ISY variable. Knowing this now, I will have to be mindful when creating new programs in ISY for use in HAss, as they will likely make use of other program slots in the ISY, and result in the same confusion.
So, has anybody else run into this? Found a better fix/workaround?