Camera Line crossing alerts HIKVision puzzle

I am puzzled by what is happening .
way back in October 2019 I configured my HIKVision Cameras to give my Line crossing alerts.
They work fine for some time.
I had the front door Camera alert me via an automation when the line was crossed in the B -> A direction via a mobile phone push.
The back door has identical camera but I did not do an automation for it.

Both had badges on the home screen to show show me history of triggers.

However now only the back door seems to work.
Front Door History from Badge

Back Door History

Same cameras, same YAML config same Usernames, passwords and privileges.
I have tried checking configuration on cameras & all OK
Rebooted camera.

All I can think of is somewhere along the upgrade path something has changed but why does one work?
I am running a NUC Ubuntu docker with HA 113.3
very puzzling!!
Anyone have any suggestions ?


I think I may have found the problems.
I think there were two.

  1. the front door camera had a slight difference to the back so I made them exactly the same apart from name.
  2. There was an error in the Notify mobile due to a change in mobile.

The entity I was testing did not exist any more. So should this have thrown and error like “Entity does not exist”?

Time will prove my changes.

YEP all good now. Errors in my configs.

Hello I have hikvision too but i dont config the line detection, it’s possible to show your code yaml ?

This is what I used.

The main thing is to configure the camera correctly

Look at Can't load HikVision Binary Sensor

Your camera need to support the things you are trying to do.
Roll though the above link