Can I use my hub as zigbee radio in Home assistant?


I own two gateways already: wireless tuya that I’m using for controlling few bulbs, led stripsand couple of wall light switches and an Ikea Tradfri gateway (still boxed).
I have a synology DNS that can run containers and I’m thinking of setting up Home Assistant on it - I know I can buy a USB device that can be used to control all Zigbee devices, but can I use one of my hubs to do the same thing and not buy additional hardware? I believe I saw a post that Guys GW can be hacked to do it, but does it apply to wireless one as well? And what about the Tradfri as that one is just gathering dust atm.

Thanks for help.

The tradfri gateway works for IKEA devices and some other devices, but you won’t be happy with that integration. And the Tuya wireless Zigbee hub is not hacked yet.

Maybe the Tuya hub is hacked.

Yes you are right, it is hacked. More details also in below thread

That is the wired Tuya Zigbee hub. The wireless Tuya Zigbee hub still isn’t hacked.

There are many different Tuya Zigbee gateways, some of which has been hacked, others have not.

Regardless, know that it’s not recommended to use a WiFi-based gateway as a remote Zigbee adapter.

Make sure it has Ethernet if intent on hacking any Zigbee gateway to use as a remote Zigbee adapter.

Both Zigbee2MQTT and the ZHA integration has warnings against using serial protocols over Wi-Fi:

If your model supports Synology Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) then a VM is an even better choice:

Installing the whole Home Assistant OS (HAOS) on a virtual machine will give you many benefits.

So that might be a good idea regardless if you use a USB or remote Ethernet-based Zigbee adapter.