Most all modern Linux systems create a small 50 MB /boot partition. When I flashed Raspbian Lite to my SSD, here’s what partitions it created.:
Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
1 4194kB 49.2MB 45.0MB primary fat32 lba
2 50.3MB 240GB 240GB primary ext4
It also made a 100 MB file for swap. Not my best choice but OK for the Pi.
I prefer everything in one partition so you are not “locked in” if you change things later on.
I made a successful installation of Raspbian Stretch Lite on an SSD, and Hassio on top of that on a 3B+. Thanks guys!
Since Rasbian Lite has no GUI, I assume I cannot use VNC. I plan to connect to LAN using cabled Ethernet to my mesh router. Which UI options (including terminal) do I have from iOS and Mac OS?
Which raspi-config options must be configured to enable these UIs?
There is an iOS app.
Using MacOS terminal with ssh, Safari web browser, using Samba & mounting your config directory on MacOS
If you wanted a graphical interface connected to the Pi you could have chosen Raspbian, but the graphical desktop uses a lot of resources not generally needed for a server.
That’s exactly what bugs me at the moment.
I use @ RPi3 with Samba and SSH plugins installed.
From OS X El Capitan in terminal I ssh into that and everything works fine (apart from that I cannot reload HA container, some say I need to use Community SSH addon for that).
The part I still don’t quite like is this:
I discovered GitHub desktop and trying to use it instead of web browser to keep my custom component versions etc. For obvious reasons the code should be in HA folder to be executed.
The issue is it creates a folder on my disk and therefore I need to sync it with the appropriate folder somehow.
I thought I could create a symlink in repository on my disk pointing to a folder custom_component in, but it’s not possible because the mounting point for that keeps changing if I need to reboot HA and then have to connect to /config Samba share again.
Any hints on that/development process for HA using Mac OS?