Can not add sensors to individual device energy usage dashboard

I went to add some new energy sensors to my Energy Dashboard. I can not select the sensor from the dropdown list, but I can add the sensor by typing in the name in the code editor (i.e. sensor.compressor_amps).

I have the same problem when trying to add to the individual device energy usage chart (I have 12 items already, is there a limit on the number of items).

Home Assistant Core 2022.5.5
Home Assistant Supervisor 2022.05.3
Home Assistant OS 8.1
Kernel version 5.15.32-v8
Agent version 1.2.1

Thanks for any help.

I found the answer under some other posts " Chrome 102.0.5005.63 - not able to select from pulldown menus?" and " Drop down lists issue"

On Wednesday, version core-2022.6.x will be released that fixes the problem. If you are using Chrome, make sure you have downloaded the latest version.

Problem went away with update 2022.6.0 this item can be closed.