however, when loading the default theme, all backgrounds are wiped and show identical, making it impossible to see any difference as designed per use of the above variables…
ok, went ahead and simply tried to add the above variables to a newly named theme default in my frontend themes, hoping they would be added to the default settings:
I do think the above would allow for adding more than this to the default theme, so yes, probably all new options card-mod offers for styling in themes would go for default theme too.
It would be nice1 if theme files could use !include then only one line would need to be added to the theme even if you use more than one theme. e.g. night and day
homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: while scanning a simple key
in "/config/frontend_themes/themes_custom.yaml", line 19, column 3
could not find expected ':'
anyone still using this? I just checked the default theme, but all my settings are gone… can we no longer add this?
seems to have changed during the latest theme change to allow for dark/light modes to allways inherit default. added a FR to please bring this back: add variables to default theme · Discussion #9415 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub
I discovered1 recently that if you create a theme e.g. my-theme with ‘extras’ in it and set your theme to my-theme then Lovelace uses the default theme for anything not defined in my-theme.
I use it (so far) to blur the background behind pop-ups and for one colour variable:
no, its the other way round, I had some extras added to a default: theme in my themes folder, and that was actually used in the backend default: theme.
with the latest mode to use dark and light modes, this functionality is now blocked. hence the FR to bring that back.