I have not been able to get this to work consistently. I have the following as an action, and it doesn’t do anything. I even tried removing 1 entity_id and still no go.
Shall I open a WTH or do you want the honor? Having to call climate.set_temperature more than once is as awkward as if you had to call light.turn_on multiple times, first to turn the light on, then set its brightness, then set its color, etc.
Yup ZWave Thermostat works perfectly. I have always attributed this to the zwave device not taking all these commands at the same time, but this was my assumption mainly due to not testing this on other types of entities (i.e. lights).
Yup this is what I ended up doing last night as a workaround, while adding some delays inbetween. Seems that hvac_mode can’t be done with multiple climate entities either. So I had to create 2 actions for set_hvac_mode with a delay inbetween. Then I was able to send a set_temperature for both entities and that is how i got this to work.
Is this just a case of unimplemented functionality in zwave/ozw? Compare the implementation of the ZHA climate set_temperature to zwave and ozw. ZHA handles the hvac_mode service attribute, while all zwave and ozw do is modify the setpoints.