Cannot change color, intensity, etc in Localtuya bulbs

I have 4 bulbs that are Tuya compatible and the color/intensity/etc can be changed by the Smartlife app but I can’t change them in HA using Localtuya. How do I enable these features?

They have to be setup as a light(I assume you have done this) then you need to pick the correct dp_ids

The dp_id might be easier to read here

Yes, I’ve set them up as a light. I found the dp_ids, Where do I put them?

you added the dp_id when setting up the light?
If you didn’t you need to go to the devices & services page and hit configure on the local tuya integration and edit your light/s
If so you should be able to change the settings from the device page > info

With a standard light card you need to hold or set to double tap to pop up the more info.

custom: light entity card
custom: mushroom light card are fancier. They are from HACs though


Thanks for your patience. I’m just a little thick. How do I enter data from the device code into the Localtuya. I don’t understand which values go into which dialog box entries. It’s not really intuitive why I need the dp_ids.

I appreciate your continued help!

If you hit submit on that page. It should take you to the next page that will look like my first image. You can enter the dp_id on that page.

That gets you to the configure entity page which your last image.

The dp_id go there.

For example.

You have 3 for brightness_value.

Dp_id 22 is the value you want.

So select 22 from the drop down for brightness_value

Okay, now I understand. Thank you so much!

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FWIW… If you have used, then the codes and their meaning can be found in the generated devices.json.