Cannot connect to Yale bluetooth lock

I have a Yale Assure Lock SL that I would like to use with Home Assistant. When I try to add the Yale Access Bluetooth integration, it just says “No unconfigured devices found.” I downloaded diagnostics from the Bluetooth integration and it seems to be aware of the lock:

          "name": "Yale Lock",
          "address": "F3:67:0F:C6:D3:A7",
          "rssi": -64,
          "manufacturer_data": {
            "76": {
              "__type": "<class 'bytes'>",
              "repr": "b'\\x06m\\x00\\x821Q\\xc6B\\xb1\\x06\\x00\\x1d\\x08\\x03\\x02'"
          "service_data": {},
          "service_uuids": [],
          "source": "hci0",
          "device": {
            "__type": "<class 'bleak.backends.device.BLEDevice'>",
            "repr": "F3:67:0F:C6:D3:A7: Yale Lock"
          "advertisement": {
            "__type": "<class 'bleak.backends.scanner.AdvertisementData'>",
            "repr": "AdvertisementData(local_name='Yale Lock', manufacturer_data={76: b'\\x06m\\x00\\x821Q\\xc6B\\xb1\\x06\\x00\\x1d\\x08\\x03\\x02'})"
          "connectable": true,
          "time": 17925.712598124

I had this same issue, but then Home Assistant notified me of the new device after I restarted. The only explanation I can think of is that I modified the Configuration.yaml by adding a single line that reads bluetooth:.

I had this line in the config previously, but I tried removing it, rebooting, adding it back, then rebooting a final time. I originally added it with Core 2022.9.1, and I think I removed it and re-added it with version 9.4.

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Just to close this thread out — I realized that this integration is only for use with the Yale access bluetooth module. Mine is the iM1 module so it needs the HomeKit Controller integration instead. Confusing, since the iM1 module is using some form of bluetooth…