I bought a SONOFF ZigBee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus, TI CC2652P Coordinator.
I had a Home Assistant running on docker on a Raspberry Pi 4 (Ubuntu 22.04.4). Believe me I tried everything to make it work. So I said screw it, I bought a Home Assistant Green to help with this problem (and other unrelated issues).
By the way I had so much trouble flashing this device, nothing worked, I got errors when using Flash Programmer 2, and using this Python script made the prompt freeze (it had problems importing the “magic” library, I had to do a “pip install python-magic-bin” along the “pip install python-magic” if anyone with the same problem stumbles upon this post).
And it does not work either. When I plug the dongle in the HA Green, it doesn’t detect the importation, and when I try to do it manually it gives me an error “Config flow could not be loaded: {“message”:“Invalid handler specified”}”.
I looked at the log, and this is what is logged when I try to integrate Zigbee Home Assistant
Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: config_entries.py:3314
First occurred: 6:15:14 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 6:15:14 PMError occurred loading flow for integration zha: cannot import name ‘BAUD_RATES’ from ‘zha.application.const’ (/usr/local/lib/python3.13/site-packages/zha/application/const.py)
I also have a bunch of other Python errors that causes a general Notification to show me “The following integrations and platforms could not be set up: zeroconf, cloud, conversation, assist_pipeline, mobile_app, default_config”, I don’t know if that’s related or not.
What is going on? Has anyone stumbled upon this issue?
I can’t believe the time I spent on this. Literally nothing worked. This is really demotivating, I don’t want to domotize my home any more, I just want to fix my sleep schedule now.
Sorry for the rant.