Cannot reload a Blueprint

Continuing the discussion from Update blueprint will update automations?:

This is my first foray into Blueprints :frowning:

This is not working for me and neither does a restart. I updated some text in my Blueprint and it is not pulling it through. Nothing in the log to suggest why or that it failed (or that it tried). Is there something in the logging to set to get any log output?

I tried reimporting the Blueprint, but HA complains the file exists (unsurprisingly), but does not offer the option of updating the Blueprint. I can see from the file stamp it has not been updated.

As an aside, a specific command to reload a Blueprint from the Blueprint page, would be useful

Automation reload reloads automation BP’s. Script reload reloads script BP’s. There is not need for a button.

You have a syntax error. The clue is that if you restart it doesn’t reload so you have to manually edit the thing. If you are using the UI editors, when you try to save it does a check and will tell you top/bottom, don’t remember which, what the error is. Also if you try to do a run the error is stated and also the trace might give a pointer to the problem.

If you want to share some code we may be able to help.

It simply doesn’t reload i.e. never pulls an update from the Gist source.

I’m pretty sure I don’t. It worked first time, but I updated some text on the Gist and that text has not come through.

I cannot see that there is an UI editor for a BP.

Reload has nothing to do with the source. You are looking to pull a new copy. IE update it from the source. That is not a thing.

Reload is when you make a change in the blueprint in the HA configuration and you want it to propagate so that HA sees it and runs it.

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