Cannot remove songpal - no entries in configuration.yaml

FYI Post for people having the same error as me.

I noticed a long time ago (should have sorted it a lot sooner!) that I had multiple log entries for …

2019-02-07 17:43:22 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player.songpal] Unable to get methods from songpal: Got an error for getSupportedApiInfo: NoSuchMethod (12): getSupportedApiInfo
2019-02-07 17:43:22 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player] Platform songpal not ready yet. Retrying in 180 seconds.

I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what was producing these errors. I have a oldish Sony Bravia TV and am using the Sony Bravia pre-shared key Custom Component. I tried commenting out all the media_player components I have setup in my configuration.yaml but was still getting the message.

as dshokouhi pointed out I got rid of these errors by adding an exclusion to the discovery component…

    - songpal

P.S. I am running 0.87 on HASSIO RPI3