Can't add ESPhome integration

Thanks but how would I know if it is either sable or causes boot loops

Log. You posted above

Yes it does seem to be going in boot loops:

[19:06:19][I][logger:258]: Log initialized
[19:06:19][C][ota:469]: There have been 1 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
[19:06:19][D][esp32.preferences:113]: Saving 1 preferences to flash...
[19:06:19][D][esp32.preferences:142]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failed
[19:06:19][I][app:029]: Running through setup()...

And then

[19:11:19][I][ota:113]: Boot seems successful, resetting boot loop counter.

That’s great news! Looks like no more boot loops. Otherwise you would see such a message in a regular interval:

As for it didn’t confirm the thesis of a hardware fault.

You should be good now to flash/install the full yaml once again (maybe you also want to share that one in your next post) to see if it behaves any better now.

Try the OTA (Wireless) install method in the esphome dashboard as that should work now :crossed_fingers:

No, sorry, I am still getting the same error about not been able to connect and make sure there is an API line in the file, when I try to configure the existing esphome integration.

I hope to get my new esp32 board tomorrow so we’ll see how that goes.

expected :point_down:

My new board arrived, ESP32 ESP32S Development board, and I used nodemcu-32s for the board name. I flashed it with esphome-flasher, and there were no errors, It did not use the fixed ip I used in the yaml file, but gave itself, by DHCP I suspect, another different ip address which I could not ping.
Any when I tried to add the integration, it said that the API key was missing. I checked the logs for the yaml file and it said that the API key was invalid. Aah, first indication why I could not add the esp2 board before. So I added a new file, entered all the detail from the existing file apart fro the fixed ip address. Then after the esp32 board was flashed, I could then add it to HA, but I had to copy and paste the encryption key before submitting.

So I have now got a board that works fine.
The only problem I have now is that the bme280 is not showing any readings in HA, but the Lux light meter does.

I wonder if this board only allows 1 device attached to the sda and scl pins, because I have 2 devices attached, which I did with the old board. The bme280 does get 3.3v to it, and I know it works as I from another project, arduino, just check the other wan’t faulty

Port 80. It’s just a web address.

Obsfucating a local (private) IP address is like covering your eyes and thinking you’re invisible. (almost) EVERYBODY uses addresses. Your private IP address is behind your router and it is meaningless to everyone else. Including hackers.

How you configure the GPIO pins on your device won’t have any bearing on connecting to it. (unless you are pulling GPIO0 low, then it will never boot)

If your device IP is, just enter in your browser. You will get a page that looks like this:

Your device name is “home”?
So, in the config/esphome folder you have a file named “home.yaml”?

No, it is lounge.yaml, and the ip address if the device is, but that is not showing in my routers device list, and not reachable by webpage, but I can ping it

That is the address.
ping home.local

No. It’s just monitoring the activity on the device. You can close that window now.

Better scrap that last part in my other post, I can now reach the web page , phew!

This could be a problem. ESPHome is expecting your yaml filename to be the same as the name: parameter.

The logs for the file say that communication with the bme280 failed.

This what I have, HA gave this when I created a new device, as its called now

  name: lounge

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

Should I change anything, although the bh1750 sensor is working fine.

If it’s working, stop while you’re ahead.

A fixed IP address would not show up in your routers DHCP lease list, since it is not leased through DHCP.
A webpage can not be reached if you have no webserver in your YAML file.