Can't call hue_activate_scene service

Got it, will google around.

I’m a couple of years late to the party but all the issues in this thread seem to be problems with templating and usage of variables such as strings.

Here is a working example how to use activate a Hue scene by just filling all required data directly into the node

However, if you want to use templating where you can pass the name of the room and the type of scene to the node then you need to do something like the following:

Here is how the Data field looks when using json:

Here is how the Data field looks when using an expression:

Here is the config of the inject node:

It won’t work to pass the entire string as the payload "{"group_name": "TV room","scene_name": "Relax"}" because it won’t be interpreted correctly by the node which receives it. You can only pass “values” to the json “keys” between nodes (Where is looks like this: {"key": "value"}). If you have a value that has special characters such as "{&%. then they need to be escaped with a backslash \