I’ve got a simple python script that fetchs data from a remote web source however I’m having some odd problems with getting it to run via python.
When I start an ssh connection (via “Terminal and SSH” add-on) there is no python or python3 on the filesystem.
I then added python via apk add python3 and that worked fine - script executed as expected.
I then added the script as a “shell_command” and in configuration.yaml and restarted the raspberry pi to force it to re-read the yaml (perhaps overkill?).
Anyways, the script doesn’t execute and python has gone from the system! If I didn’t know better I’d say there was some kind of sandbox / container that the “Terminal and SSH” was landing me in, and that this isn’t being persisted on a reboot?
So two questions:
Does “Terminal and SSH” execute in a sandbox (least important question)
How do I persuade a “shell_command” to execute a python script? (most important question)
Firstly for the confirmation that hass is container-based: that explains the behaviour I was seeing (and now I understand that the key folders like /config are mapped into the container).
Also for the pointer toward appdaemon. I’d looked at this way back when I started researching HomeAssistant (last Monday ) and thought it was overkill for what I needed, however now reading through the documentation I am concluding that AD is what I’m looking for.
I’m really impressed at the simplicity and completeness of the out-of-the-box (including integrations) solution but there’s clearly a bit of a leap jumping from “standard” to building custom solutions. That’s not a problem as I’m a software engineer to trade, and it looks like a lot of clear thought and experience has gone into the architecture of HA.
I’ll now finish reading the documentation before returning to the task at hand!