I have been trying to get this working in the last couple of days and I’m right there at the end where I kind of ran out of options and ideas.
I’ve tried all the ideas listed in this thread and other like:
tunning the Role from Editor to Owner in Google Cloud Console/IAM
Making sure that Home Assistant HTML5 is not on the Home
Even removed entirely Home Assistant from my phone
played with the google_assistant config (with expose_by_default: true/false, with exposed_domains, without exposed_domains, with/without entity_config)
I’ve given up on Google Assistant, after (again) having to wrestle mightily trying to reinstate the integration after a recent rebuild.
My only use case was to control my HA with the various Google Home devices around my house, which I’ve since sold and replaced with Amazon Echos. At least when I have an Alexa issue, I’m able to get a human response from Amazon.
After I stuck with it not take me to the add device to home page for weeks, I managed to get it working.
You must be able to access your HA through HTTPS.
You might think that you pass #1 but you’re not. The reason is in #3 and #4
Make sure that you have a public ipv4 (My ISP disable it, need a few mins chat) (check by visit what’s my check the ip, compare with what yours DDNS says if it’s the same, you’re good to go) (or just use your cellular to access your HA site)
Make sure that the port is not blocked by ISP. (My ISP Block port 80, 443(Default https), 21, 25 etc. for security reason?) Again, a few minutes chat.
You must provide the port number whenever you type you HA url even default port, especially during Google Action setup. For example, https://yourha.yourddns.com:443 (but I don’t recommend using this port)
The worst part about this is the fact that google doesn’t tell you anything why you failed.
Just troubleshoot it step by step, it will work.