Can't get Homematic to connect

Hi everyone,
I am new to HA but already quite impressed by what the team is delivering here :slight_smile:
So far I had been able to integrate most of my devices, inlcuding KNX, Hue, Squeezebox, MQTT and Shelly. What did not work out so far are two things:

  1. Homematic (CCU3) is not connecting, whatever I do. I have read a couple of posts here in the forum and I thought I configured it correctly, but still, it does not work. Maybe somebody can point me in the right direction please

Direcly connectet to 1:
2) is there any live-log I can connect to ? The logs in the UI are all not detailed enough, so I figured the must be some other logs I haven’t found yet. Maybe I need to ssh into the system ?

Here is my yaml.config:

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
knx: !include knx.yaml

#  name: Home
#  unit_system: metric
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      device_class: gas
      unit_of_measurement: "m³"
      device_class: gas

# Homematic
      resolvenames: "json"
      port: 9292
      resolvenames: "json"
      path: /groups
      port: 2001

There is no password set for the admin user. I also testet the parameter username: “Admin”
password: “secret”, which changed nothing.

All the log states is this:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
First occurred: 20:07:36 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 20:07:36

Setup of homematic is taking over 10 seconds.

Edit: HassOs most recent (2023.1.4 I think) as VM on Proxmox, Homematic is on a RPi3b+ with Raspberrymatic 3.65.11 (Firewall open). HM connects to Openhab or ioBroker without problems.

Before going any further I would recommend to directly switch to the new integration, which is available as a custom component. If you need more detailed information on how to install the custom component, have a look at these instructions. Although they are targeted for users using the Raspberrymatic Add-On, it still contains a lot of detail on how everything needs to be set up. The main difference would be, that instead of he hostname you enter the IP you’re already using above.

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Thanks Daniel, that did the job for me.
Just being curious, is the integrated HM Support no longer working ?

It’s still working, but not maintained anymore. Besides that, the new integration is much better in many ways.

Thanks for the clarificaton :slight_smile:

Seems the new integration can’t deal with the reconnection problems as well. Every time the CCU reboots but NOT HA, the connection breaks and only ever comes back when rebooting HA.
This thread of yours did not get any updates in terms a of solution it seems… Homematic reconnect does not work - #9 by MagnusChrist

Am I right and this was never pursued any further? Never seen this problem with Openhab, Iobroker or IOSymcon, so there must be some way to fix it…

It should reconnect automatically. If it doesn’t, then you should see errors in your logs. Maybe there’s a but we are not aware of. But so far nobody else has mentioned, that the automatic reconnect is broken.

Thanks for the quick reply. This is the error it shows right after the connection breaks. Sometimes it reconnects, sometimes I am receiving this error over and over and without rebooting HA the connection never gets back on track.

Strange. Just testet it and it worked as designed, reconnected after app. one minute

If the issue persists, please post it here: Issues · danielperna84/hahomematic · GitHub
Be aware, that you have to fill out the form completely, including LOGS. Not just screenshots. It’s not possible to solve the issue without knowing what is happening in the backend.

Sure, soon as the problem occurs again, I will post the necessary information. I am just still not sure where to find the relevant logs in HASS…