Can't get Moes zigbee button to pair with ZHA

I just picked up a Moes Zigbee smart knob (Model ERS-10TZBVK-AA) and I can’t get it to pair with my Sonoff Zigbee dongle.

I push the button on the smart knob for 6 seconds (as the directions suggest) and the LED blinks 2-3 times and then stops.

Others here seem to have gotten the knob to pair, but no luck for me.

Any tips?

I’ve had that a few times with other devices. What got them working eventually was:

  • Remove battery from button
  • Power off HA (not just restart)
  • Wait a couple of minutes
  • Start HA
  • Battery back in button
  • Turn around three times and throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder

It should then go into pairing mode properly. (No not the last bit. The first five steps have worked for me several times. Honestly. :grin:)

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Apparently not for me, sigh. Followed your steps, but still no pairing.

Also take actions to avoid EMF interference (like using a long USB extension cable to a USB 2.0 port and not USB 3.0 port) → Guide for Zigbee interference avoidance and network range/coverage optimization

Eric don’t know if you solved this - I had the same problem! and it was driving me made. Apparently this device is very sensitive to voltage - I put in a fresh battery and it paired first time! I found these instructions Pairing instructions for ERS-10TZBVK-AA by wildekek · Pull Request #1212 · Koenkk/ (

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After about 6 or 7 extra tries (removing the battery, etc.) I finally got it to pair. I’ll keep your solution in mind when I pair the other knobs in the future.

I’m very curious why this solution is the only thing that worked for me. I bought a bunch of devices a few weeks ago and was never able to get them to connect until now. Thank you!

this was the solution. new battery fixed it.