Can't get mqtt device tracker entity to show up

  - platform: mqtt
      cory_phone_st: 'location/Cory'
      kayla_phone_st: 'location/Kayla'
      april_phone_st: 'location/April'

mqtt payload is: home or not_home flagged to retain.

But I have tried so many things and the entity will not show up. its getting frustrating. lol.

just as i gave up I figured it out. I had flagged do not track new devices. I then found the devices in known_devices.yaml

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I freaking did exactly this when I started playing with MQTT device tracker

lol, i spent like 8 hours banging my head.

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Thank you for opening topic!

Was playing around for 2 hours myself too and could not figure the problem out. Until I found this topic and noticed that tracking was off. :slight_smile:


That was enough of a clue to help me figure it out… but for the next soul who finds this. Look for the device in your known_devices.yml file and set the damn track: true, restart HA and then the MQTT device tracker entities will show up.

I wish I only wasted 8 hours before I found this. :sweat_smile:

also lost 1, 2 hours until I found this :slight_smile:

Hello guys what about when you dont have the known_devices.yaml file? I´m ussing this:

########## Device Tracker ##########

  • platform: mqtt
    usuario01: “location/Usuario01”
    qos: 1
    payload_home: “Presente”
    payload_not_home: “Ausente”
    source_type: bluetooth
    track_new_devices: true

Any advice? Regards

As stated here:

“Starting with version 0.94 known_devices.yaml is being phased out”