Can't get simple automation to run

How did you install home assistant?

I downloaded the windows version on a USB stick and installed it on my laptop, until I get my RP in.

the pretty links give me this

You are seeing this page because you have been linked to a page in your Home Assistant instance but have not configured My Home Assistant. Enter the URL of your Home Assistant instance to continue.

You’re running windows Home assistant? If you want to properly run home assistant, it should be ran on linux through a VM in windows. You’ll need to get support from the creator of that windows version in order to properly run that.

Yes, follow the directions. Enter the URL to your home assistant in that field…

ok, working on it

Just to clarify, there is no “official windows install” of home assistant. So what you’re using is a “use at your own risk” situation. And that version is probably not looking at your system time properly.

guess so, I’ve checked it and restarted HA, but still shows utc and my time as same. I’ll check with the people that provided this version. thanks for the hand holding.

No problem. If you have windows professional, setting up WSL is not that hard and you can run a VM of home assistant OS pretty easily. I’m sure there’s tutorials somewhere for this.

Update: they released an update to this portable version and it fixed the time issue. Now to learn how to use HA. thanks