hi im still having issue that IMAP intergration can not detect the emails… and sort them in the 3 states i set in my orginal post above… i dunno if its a hotmail issue and you need gmail instead… the fix in the latest HA update 5.4 didnt fix the issue…i got it to work but not really on its own had used another email coming in to detect… and i have no idea why something is blocking i posted before to the github but never a reply … the info doesnt say whats blocking HA
Home Assistant Core
2023-05-28 09:12:45.658 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Setting up stage 2: {'hacs', 'application_credentials', 'input_datetime', 'trace', 'file_upload', 'template', 'speedtestdotnet', 'group', 'automation', 'conversation', 'stream', 'device_automation', 'image_upload', 'onboarding', 'input_boolean', 'energy', 'homeassistant_alerts', 'auth', 'input_select', 'shelly', 'reolink_discovery', 'auto_backup', 'persistent_notification', 'search', 'browser_mod', 'climate', 'blueprint', 'mqtt', 'notify', 'repairs', 'device_tracker', 'remote_homeassistant', 'sun', 'my', 'tts', 'local_calendar', 'assist_pipeline', 'uptime', 'analytics', 'switch', 'config', 'timer', 'counter', 'input_text', 'lovelace', 'scene', 'tag', 'sensor', 'diagnostics', 'media_source', 'schedule', 'person', 'binary_sensor', 'imap', 'default_config', 'dlna_dmr', 'logbook', 'map', 'vlc_telnet', 'zone', 'dlna_dms', 'python_script', 'panel_custom', 'input_number', 'stt', 'cast', 'history', 'script', 'adguard', 'hardware', 'tplink', 'met', 'mobile_app', 'volumio', 'input_button', 'system_health', 'esphome', 'environment_canada'}
2023-05-28 09:12:47.394 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up imap
2023-05-28 09:12:47.394 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain imap took 0.0 seconds
2023-05-28 09:12:57.640 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.imap.coordinator] Finished fetching imap data in 0.000 seconds (success: True)
2023-05-28 09:12:57.642 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setting up sensor.imap
2023-05-28 09:13:04.244 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.imap.coordinator] Message processed, sender: [email protected], subject: How to Make an Epoxy Clock
2023-05-28 09:13:04.244 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.imap.coordinator] Manually updated imap data
2023-05-28 09:18:25.084 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Something is blocking Home Assistant from wrapping up the start up phase. We're going to continue anyway. Please report the following info at https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues: sensor.systemmonitor, application_credentials, sensor.mqtt, hacs, cover.shelly, frontend, file_upload, ping, media_player.browser_mod, system_log, sensor.shelly, notify.smtp, sensor.time_date, button.mqtt, binary_sensor.shelly, sensor.speedtestdotnet, humidifier.mqtt, image_upload, cover, sensor.remote_homeassistant, energy, switch.esphome, auth, dhcp, binary_sensor.esphome, reolink_discovery, webhook, auto_backup, browser_mod, blueprint, mqtt, ssdp, device_tracker, remote_homeassistant, sun, my, binary_sensor.mqtt, light, vacuum, local_calendar, media_player.dlna_dmr, sensor.sun, assist_pipeline, uptime, camera.mqtt, weather.environment_canada, update, api, config, counter, input_text, update.mqtt, scene, tag, diagnostics, sensor, media_source, person, binary_sensor, imap, light.browser_mod, update.shelly, vlc_telnet, lock, weather.met, dlna_dms, light.shelly, panel_custom, scene.mqtt, input_number, network, sensor.mobile_app, sensor.hacs, history, sensor.adguard, adguard, binary_sensor.mobile_app, sensor.tplink, sensor.browser_mod, humidifier, tplink, met, number.mqtt, mobile_app, input_button, system_health, climate.generic_thermostat, text, fan.mqtt, switch.adguard, switch.tplink, environment_canada, input_datetime, binary_sensor.hassio, trace, reolink, template, speedtestdotnet, binary_sensor.command_line, sensor.template, tts.google_translate, switch.mqtt, group, sensor.uptime, automation, select.mqtt, conversation, stream, device_automation, onboarding, input_boolean, media_player, homeassistant_alerts, light.mqtt, select, input_select, button.shelly, shelly, zeroconf, climate.mqtt, scene.homeassistant, fan, siren.mqtt, button, logger, device_tracker.bluetooth_tracker, persistent_notification, search, device_tracker.mqtt, climate, camera.environment_canada, hassio, alarm_control_panel, notify, repairs, tts, usb, homeassistant, lock.mqtt, calendar.local_calendar, switch.shelly, light.tplink, analytics, text.mqtt, binary_sensor.ping, switch, notify.mobile_app, timer, siren, lovelace, schedule, camera, dlna_dmr, map, logbook, default_config, alarm_control_panel.mqtt, bluetooth, sensor.imap, vacuum.mqtt, zone, media_player.cast, calendar, cover.mqtt, python_script, media_player.volumio, sensor.auto_backup, sensor.energy, update.hassio, media_player.vlc_telnet, stt, http, cast, weather, script, binary_sensor.browser_mod, hardware, number, cloud, sensor.environment_canada, recorder, sensor.hassio, volumio, websocket_api, sensor.esphome, esphome, camera.browser_mod, device_tracker.mobile_app
2023-05-28 09:23:43.605 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.imap.coordinator] Message processed, sender: [email protected], subject: Your Epic Games Receipt F2305281318320451
2023-05-28 09:23:43.605 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.imap.coordinator] Manually updated imap data
2023-05-28 09:23:51.286 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.imap.coordinator] Message processed, sender: [email protected], subject: Your package has been received!
2023-05-28 09:23:51.286 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.imap.coordinator] Manually updated imap data
2023-05-28 09:23:52.351 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.imap.coordinator] Manually updated imap data
2023-05-28 09:25:00.911 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.imap.coordinator] Error requesting imap data:
2023-05-28 09:26:16.866 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.imap.coordinator] Manually updated imap data
2023-05-28 09:27:10.397 INFO (MainThread) [aioimaplib.aioimaplib] ignored untagged response : b'BYE Connection is closed. 13'
2023-05-28 09:27:19.839 INFO (MainThread) [aioimaplib.aioimaplib] ignored untagged response : b'BYE Connection is closed. 13'
2023-05-28 09:27:23.308 INFO (MainThread) [aioimaplib.aioimaplib] ignored untagged response : b'BYE Connection is closed. 13