Cant locate homeassistand folder and configuration.yaml

find / -name ‘configuration.yaml’ 2>/dev/null


It located in the config folder

core-ssh:/config# nano configuration.yaml

For ubuntu desktop with installed i found it in.


you have

/config -> /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant
/share -> /usr/share/hassio/share
/addons -> /usr/share/hassio/addons
/backup -> /usr/share/hassio/backup
/ssl -> /usr/share/hassio/ssl

Im totally with you… Reading just doesnt do it for me, I have to do and read several times for it to sink in… Im at that same stage you are at right now after trying for a few months just to install home assistant on a Raspberry Pi3… Ive managed that and feel like a 4 year old who has just tied his shoe laces for the first time… Ill never be a Steve Jobs but all this is filling my time nicely and I might even get home automation out of it… :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info.

It is helpful.

On my manual install in Raspbian on my Raspberry Pi (not HASSIO or docker versions) it was here:


You probably solved it. Anyway the solution could help someone else.
I ran into your same problem, and I solve it with the linux “find” command via ssl:
find / -name “configuration.yaml”
my result is:
yours coud be different

I installed the Home Assistant 0.118.2, burning the hassos_rpi4-64-4.13.img in the sd card.
I’m looking for the components folder but I can’t find it.
I can find the configuration.yaml in the config folder but I can’t find the homeassistant folder.
I’ve already tried ‘find -name homeassistant’, but I get 0 results related.

I looked for any folder or file related with ls -lah in the usr/share, usr/local, config, cofig/.storage, usr/local/share, usr/local/lib, usr/src, but didn’t get anything related.

However, if I try to use flux_led in the configuration.yaml file, I get in the log a report of an error in homeassistant.components.light, line 368. So it does have the files somewhere, I just can’t find it.

If someone could give any clue, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

The components folder is inside the container for home assistant. You can’t make any persistent changes to anything in the container.

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I installed it manually using this guide:

Now I can find the components folder inside


and configuration.yaml inside


However, I still can’t do what I wanted in first place, which was to connect my flyidea lamp via flux_led platform…

I have the following error displayed:

" Logger: homeassistant.components.flux_led.light
Source: components/flux_led/
Integration: flux_led (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 6:55:06 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 6:55:06 PM

Failed to connect to bulb, flux_living_room_lamp"

My configuration.yaml looks like this:

I also tried different variations, like adding ‘protocol: ledenet’ or mode:‘rgb’.

However, in any conditions, I still get the same error.

I’m trying to connect a flyidea rgb lamp. It works fine with the phone app ‘Magic Home-Smart Home’, but homeassistant can’t connect to the lamp. In the ‘Magic Home-Smart Home’ app I can see the light is accessed through ip, port 80.

In the ‘Magic Home-Smart Home’, the device info is as the following:

Good topic as I’m new in this. I put all my manual changes in this file. In configuration.yaml I can only see my integrations, sensors, etc.

But where are all the “generated” ones stored? The configuration from the UI selected integrations, etc.?

Update: Found everything now in hidden .storage folder. Are such dumb question not wanted here to get an answer from newbies? I searched a lot before, but in standard documentation, FAQs, etc. I was not able to find the answer.

Go to Supervisor in Home Assistant,
select Add-ons,
install File Editor then start it.
Select Open Web UI.
Click on the Folder icon,
this shows you alle the .yaml files.

Really THANK YOU.!!

I cannot locate my configuration.yaml as well. I don’t have /config/ folder in my local dictionary. Any thoughts? Here is how I install home assistant. Now my interface run as lovelace and it looks different than I don’t have the supervisor tab in the left. Do I install home assistant in a wrong way? Appreciate any advice. Thanks.

the file configuration.yaml is in: home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/ , from windows I see the folder home but is a diferent folder. I think the shared folder is not good for see the file from woindows

I installed Home Assistant Supervised under Ubuntu and the folders are here:


Does anyone know how to find the homeassistant directory on a Hassos / Proxmox install?

just saved the day… top man


You da real MVP. Thanks!

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just do:

find / -name "configuration.yaml"

with root privileges and you’ll find every configuration.yaml on your system