Can't power on my TV setup with harmony and emulate roku

I’m using emulated Roku on my HA in order to setup buttons on my Harmony Remote control to turn on/off my lights when I have harmony activities turned on, which works fine.

What I want to be able to do, and I haven’t found a way to make this work yet, is when I turn on an activity on my harmony remote, it will first switch on a smart plug which is powering most of my AV equipment, before the rest of the turn on sequence runs. The reason this doesn’t work, is that firstly all the commands to turn on AV devices (including emulated devices in my case) must go at the top of the sequence in the harmony software, secondly the emulated roku does not have a power on command in the Avaliable Key Codes Emulated Roku - Home Assistant

Obviously I need my command to power on the smart plug to run first else nothing else will work, so without being able to put a step in the sequence directly after turning on the emulated Roku and before everything else, this doesn’t seem possible to do, other than control the plug separately which doesn’t seem so smart.

If anyone has any idea I would be very grateful please.

Just to clarify here is a screenshot of the harmony software:

If you try to move a power on step below a non power on step or vice versa it won’t let you, and when the Roku power on command is run, I cannot seem to get any event from it in HA.