Can't send TTS to LMS/Squeezebox

Using tips from this thread and a couple other community threads I have TTS working on a SB Boom, SB radio, and a ChromeCast device. The key things seemed to be my config and setting an internal DNS A record for my LMS server IP that matched my external DNS name.

Using current core HASSOS (core-2021.4.6) on a Pi3+ with NGNIX and Let’s Encrypt + DuckDNS – here is my config snip:

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate
    cache: true
#   cache_dir: /tmp/tts
    time_memory: 300
    service_name: google_say

Sending a TTS message will stop any of the active streams on all device types.

Have you seen this solution?

hi, I have same problem with my config:

the pcp works perfectly with LMS/squeezebox, bluetooth, etc, but when I try to send TTS it doesn’t play anything.
From the LMS web page I can see the url is something like:
but if I try to put that URL in the browser nothing happen.

The TTS works fine with local MPD player (using the RPi4 jack output).
I also tried to set the “proxy streaming” on LMS as suggested in this thread, but nothing changed.

Can someone try to help me?

PS: I don’t want to setup/use a cloud TTS service

I don’t know if it is the same problem at your side, but I found a problem within Squeezelite versions >= 1.8.6-938.
Version above work perfectly fine.
Just a hint…

Hi Markus,
unfortunately I cannot confirm this, tested with squeezelite-esp32-master-cmake-I2S-4MFlash-16-1.932.bin

I had the same problem with TTS on LMS/Squeezelite. My solution now is, disabling SSL in configuration.yaml and using my Synology NAS as reverse proxy to keep access to HA from outside via HTTPS.
Now its working perfect!