Cant upgrade to 86.0


So where did this come from?

Invalid config for [homeassistant]: [sensor._humidity]

That is an invalid ID from your config.

I still cannot update and I cant find this anywhere in my config folder.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/”, line 1103, in async_call
raise ServiceNotFound(domain, service) from None
homeassistant.exceptions.ServiceNotFound: (ServiceNotFound(…), ‘Service persistent_notification.create not found’)
2019-01-24 22:26:37 CRITICAL (SyncWorker_13) [] Can’t retrieve weather data from Yahoo!

mh I only have one humidity sensor and his name is



Have you tried 0.86.1? There was an issue I think in 0.86.0 maybe solved?

When I updated to 0.86.0b2 from b1, there was a nasty issue with /config/.storage/core.device_registry which you really should not touch but it seems somewhere you do have a sensor._humidity - maybe autoadded by an integration… do you see anything in there?

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Didn’t yahoo retire their api recently?

I believe so. I have searched and removed all references to and rebooted, tried installing the update again and it will now update.

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I found the error with _ _ in the customize.yaml file. all OK after editing

I was have the same issue, wouldn't update from 0.85.1 since 0.86 was available. I tried all the suggestions above to no avail. Force update, weather issue, nothing was working. What helped me was to remove all my Lovelace formatting except the main page and the update went through without a problem. Must have been some outdated items in the code.