Car Heater (winter is coming) need coding help!

Okay, so Ive started to put som code together, tanks to @marieper and the Wake-up light alarm with sunrise effect
Home assistant does not accept the code with the tamplate action but i think i got the input selections right.
When i try to import the blueprint i get this fault message "

Failed to load blueprint: while scanning for the next token found character ‘%’ that cannot start any token in “/config/blueprints/automation/Egna/car_heater_v01.yaml”, line 42, column 6

Maybe someone who actually know how write templates could help out with that bit?
I tried to replace the departure time with a input_datetime helper and changed the formula

  name: Carheater based on outside temperature
  description: 'Note: Requires time sensor in configuration and input boleean for manual activation'
  domain: automation
      name: Car heater outlet
      description: The outlet to control.
          domain: switch
      name: Alarm timestamp sensor
      description: 'Sensor with timestamp of departure time'
      default: none
          domain: input_datetime
      name: Outside temperature sensor
      description: 'Outside temperature sensor'
          device_class: temperature
  switch_entity: !input 'switch_entity'
  timestamp_sensor: !input 'timestamp_sensor'
  outside_temperature: !input 'outside_temperature'
- platform: time_pattern
  minutes: '*'
   - condition: template
     value_template: '{{ states(''outside_temperature'') | float <= 10
  - service_template: >
  # This is a jinja comment and will be ignored by the interpreter
  # ALL the below is indented more than it needs to be to show the comments more clearly # }
  # This next line (all comments will be as this) gets the time RIGHT NOW and stores it as a
  # HUGE number that has both date and time #}
    {% set timenow = as_timestamp(now()) %}
  # this gets your input time
    {% set dept_time = states('timestamp_sensor') | int %}
  # this sets your 'settime' as a huge number and stores in settime #}
    {% set settime = as_timestamp(now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d " ~ '{0:0=2d}:{1:0=2d}'.format(dept_time))) %}
  # as we've already done most of the work we just subtract 3 hours from the
  set time to start our evaluation #}
    {% set starttime = settime - (2*60*60) %}
  # this tests to see if we are 'in' the 'slot' #}
    {% set slot = (starttime <= timenow < settime) %}
  # this gets the temperature (as a float, as that will aid in resolution) #}
    {% set tempdeg = states('outside_temperature') | float %}
  # this gets the minute offset from the start based on the temperature #}
    {% set offset_mins = ((-0,5 * tempdeg) + 30) | int %}
  # given the 'offset' we now have a new 'start time' calculated, based on temperature #}
    {% set heatstart = settime - (offset_mins * 60) %}
  # this tests that we are (now) in the 'slot' and 'that switch on time' is in the past #}
    {% set heat = slot and timenow >= heatstart %}
  # this uses the last evaluation to determine if we switch 'on' or 'off' #}
    {% if heat %}
  # switch.turn_off is managed by separate automation that monitors the entity_id being ON for x:y hrs #}
    {% endif %}
     entity_id: switch_entity
  initial_state: true
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent