šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Thatā€™s 177 lines.

One Hundred And Seventy Seven

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iā€™m sorry @thomasloven , didnā€™t noticed, please see below:

      type: 'custom:button-card'  
      color: auto
      size: 30%
      icon: '[[icon]]'
      entity: '[[entity]]'
      show_last_changed: true
      aspect_ratio: 1/1
      show_state: true
      name: '[[name]]'
      show_label: true
        action: call-service
        service: browser_mod.popup
          title: Devices
            background: var(--background-image)
            color: AliceBlue
            border-radius: 15px
            --ha-card-border-radius: 15px
            --ha-card-background: '#646464'
            type: entities
              - type: custom:fold-entity-row
                  type: section
                  label: Climate
                open: false
                  - type: custom:more-info-card
                    entity: climate.mzgn_slvn
                    title: Living Room
                  - type: custom:more-info-card
                    entity: climate.mzgn_khdr_shynh
                    title: Bedroom

The style: option just styles the popup window itself (mainly the bar with the title and the closing button). If you want to style the card in the popup, you can use card-mod.

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already tried, but for some reason i canā€™t get it to work, iā€™m using a lot with card mod.
i donā€™t know what iā€™m doing wrong


      type: 'custom:button-card'  
      color: auto
      size: 30%
      icon: '[[icon]]'
      entity: '[[entity]]'
      show_last_changed: true
      aspect_ratio: 1/1
      show_state: true
      name: '[[name]]'
      show_label: true
        action: call-service
        service: browser_mod.popup
          title: Devices
            background: var(--background-image)
            color: AliceBlue
            border-radius: 15px
            --ha-card-border-radius: 15px
            --ha-card-background: '#646464'
            type: entities
            style: |
              ha-card {
                color: AliceBlue;
              .card-header {
                color: AliceBlue;
              - type: custom:fold-entity-row
                  type: section
                  label: Climate
                open: false
              - type: custom:more-info-card
                entity: climate.mzgn_slvn
                title: Living Room
              - type: custom:more-info-card
                entity: climate.mzgn_khdr_shynh
                title: Bedroom

Thanks for the help!

Thatā€™s not a problem with card_mod.
You should always try to get popup cards working as a normal card first.

In Lovelace, every card is an island. Almost entirely isolated from any attempts to modify it from the outside. As such, changing the CSS color property of your entities card, wonā€™t affect the more-info-card inside it.

You have two options.
Either you add style: to each card in your card and style them separately, or you use the CSS variables:

style: |
  ha-card {
    --primary-text-color: AliceBlue;

See https://github.com/chipriley/lovelace-css-values/


trying to display a slider on a button card, which seems not possible, Ive tried to simulate the same form factor as follows:

  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:button-card
        template: horizontal-filler
      - type: entities
        style: |
          ha-card {
            color: grey;
            --paper-item-icon-color: green;
            font-weight: bold;
            font-family: Helvetica;
            font-size: 13px;
    #    title: Don't show title
        show_header_toggle: false
          - input_number.ha_delayed_startup
      - type: custom:button-card
        template: horizontal-filler

which is almost as I want it:

@jimz011ā€™s suggestion to take out the title works well.

Iā€™ve made the icon green for now to have it stand out. What I would like to do is have the slider show on a dedicated line, and show the icon above the slider, and display the full name above that. In fact, like the buttons (true buttons) below it in the image.

Can I use card-mod for that to move the separate parts ?

thanks for having a look

Just an idea, but perhaps use a combination with vertical stack in card? A button or markdown for icon and name, then a full width slider?

mm, thanks, and tried a few things, donā€™t think that would work, since the name of the slider would still be cut-off because of the slider, unless on an ipad or so.

also, I feel it should be possible to do i one card, the hack I posted above is already stretching itā€¦ adding another card to that is a bit much for a simple task of showing a slider full width.

Check out slider-entity-row.

Thanks Thomas, Ive looked at that, and my quest remains: showing the name and icon above the slider.

I can display the full slider, but then there is no display of anything other than the state:


While in fact I was looking for something like this:




icon name
slider state

the latter is made possible using custom-ui with this settings:

    icon: >
      if (state === 'on') return 'mdi:human-greeting';
      return 'mdi:hotel';
  extra_data_template: >
    if (attributes.hs_color) 
        return 'Hs: ' + attributes.hs_color;
    return null;
  state_card_mode: break-slider
  stretch_slider: true
  hide_control: false
  show_last_changed: true
  confirm_controls: true
    min: 0
    max: 255
    pin: true
    off_when_min: true
    report_when_not_changed: true
    - attribute: brightness
      unit: Br
    - attribute: color_temp
      unit: Co

maybe this is something you can consider adding also?

I donā€™t get it. Whatā€™s different from just what you were looking for two weeks ago?

well, I understandā€¦
that post was also about adding the extra data templates to an other entity.

Iā€™ve now used the same kind of example, but used one with a full slider for this specific question.

As you can see in the post I now try to have the slider on a row below the icon and name, and not have these all on 1 line.

which is somewhat different than showing attributes on a secondary line.

having tried this:

  - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
      - type: markdown
        style: |
          ha-card {
            color: grey;
            font-weight: bold;
            font-family: Helvetica;
            font-size: 13px;
        content: |
          <ha-icon icon='mdi:home-assistant'></ha-icon> Delayed startup
      - type: custom:slider-entity-row
        entity: input_number.ha_delayed_startup
        full_row: true


and this:

  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:button-card
        template: horizontal-filler
      - type: vertical-stack
        style: |
          ha-card {
            color: grey;
            --paper-item-icon-color: green;
            font-weight: bold;
            font-family: Helvetica;
            font-size: 13px;

          - type: markdown
            content: |
              #### <ha-icon icon="mdi:home-assistant"></ha-icon> Delayed startup
          - type: custom:slider-entity-row
            entity: input_number.ha_delayed_startup
            full_row: true
      - type: custom:button-card
        template: horizontal-filler


it seems slider-entity-row wonā€™t exactly do as I hoped for. Using the full-row pushes the state and uom to the outer border, which looks ugly.

I probably am missing all sorts of styles options (reason I posted here), but for such a simple task this seems to be ridiculously complexā€¦

I have read the entire thread and I still canā€™t wrap my head around how to use selectors.

Iā€™m trying to remove the padding from a markdown card inside a picture-elements card. In object inspector I know I have to change ha-markdown

ha-markdown {
  display: block;
  user-select: initial;
  padding: 0px 16px 16px;
hui-picture-elements-card #shadow-root ha-card #root hui-markdown-card #shadow-root ha-card ha-markdown.markdown.no-header

Iā€™m trying examples blindly here and a nudge in the right direction is appreciated.


Figured it out

- type: picture-elements
    .: |
    "#root > hui-element > hui-markdown-card":
      $: |
        ha-card > ha-markdown {padding: 0 !important;}
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Sorry, were there anybody in the world for who this card-mod wasnā€™t working?

It is not possible to install wrong.

  1. Install by HACS
  2. in RAW Lovelace in resources
    - url: /community_plugin/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js

And simplest style do not work. Trying a lot. Purging cache, adding type: js, type: moduleā€¦ nothing

Any idea? Anybody?

You need to post an example of your code. It works for me for some things anyway so probably you are setting the style incorrectly or trying to style an element you canā€™t styleā€¦

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Itā€™s still very unclear to me what you are trying to do and how you are trying to do it.
Are yoy trying to put the slider on a single row only by itself, with no value or anything? If so, thereā€™s an option to hide the state display.
If you are trying to push the state a bit to the left you can try

- type: custom:slider-entity-row
  entity: ...
  style: |
    host: {
      display: block;
      margin-right: 8px;

Anything at all to start from would help.

Try padding: 0px 16px 16px !important;

The simplest example:

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.netatmo_na_dole_temperature
  - entity: sensor.netatmo_na_dole_co2
style: |
  ha-card {
    color: red


(with theme ā€˜defaultā€™ what most probably should not be important)

color: red;

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I tought that last line should be without ā€˜;ā€™
But with ā€˜;ā€™ doesnt work either