šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Clearly you havenā€™t even checked the examples thereā€¦
Answer: yes you can.

So what is the intended behavior? What is currently happening?

I thought I was following the doc but I must have something wrong. I am trying to modify a couple of CSS variables.

Here is my config:

              - type: light
                  action: none
                entity: light.master_bedroom_light
                name: Master Bedroom
                  style: |
                    ha-card {
                      --font-size: 1.7rem;

If Iā€™m reading the inspector right, it appears as thought the card mod is being applied to the ha-card but in the wrong place.

Is anybody able to see what Iā€™m doing wrong?

Change that to --name-font-size: 1.7rem !important;.

I posted the picture:
The font is changed but the text is not centrally aligned.

Spot on, thank you so much. Have just learnt so much from your post that you linked.

Clearly I cannot read or at least understand what I read :-). I canā€™t find an answer to my question thereā€¦ at least not how I could use it.

This is my config:

Monitor 16:9

Test1 view - (in panel mode)
One Picture Elements Card Configuration
Picture used: 2748x1817 Pixel

Yaml for Picture Elements Card Configuration:

type: picture-elements
  - entity: sensor.ph
      color: blue
      left: 28.5%
      top: 18%
    type: state-label
      action: more-info
  - entity: sensor.d1mini_01_sensor_1
      color: brown
      left: 58%
      top: 15%
    type: state-label
      action: none
  - entity: sensor.esp32_02_22_humidity
      color: red
      left: 8%
      top: 36%
    type: state-label
      action: more-info
  - type: state-icon
    entity: binary_sensor.pir_motion_sensor_toilet_01
    title: Toilet-01
      top: 53%
      left: 39%
      '--paper-item-icon-color': lightgreen
      '--paper-item-icon-active-color': red
  - type: state-label
    entity: counter.toilet_01_counter
    title: Toilet-01
      color: red
      top: 53%
      left: 39%
image: local/test1.png


Here I miss the bottom of the picture.

Test2 view - (in panel mode)
One Picture Elements Card Configuration
Picture used: 1421x1842 pixel

Yaml for Picture Elements Card Configuration:

type: picture-elements
image: /local/test2.png
  transform: 'ā€˜translate(-50%, -50%)'
  - type: state-badge
    entity: sensor.d1mini_01_sensor_2_2
      top: 40%
      left: 20%


Here I miss half of the picture.

My question is:

Is there an option to:

Since I have really tried so much it is not doable anymore to reproduce what I have tried.
In the end I have tried all kinds of wrong things (css, cards, mods, Code copy, etc.). So I tried to ask my question the other way around initially. By writing it down as above I hope I will be able to get some help on how to scale a large image so it always fits the screen (mobile, 16:9, other browsers, browser in other format !=16:9, etc.)

I believe your issue is clear now.
And I believe the custom layout card is the solution for you.
Try to create a column or a grid with a column of 80% the screen size using:

Here is a great example of usage:

1 Like

Thank you @KTibow! That worked perfectly.

I think I have solved for now the
Edit I was too fastā€¦

It is still not scaling:

I did the same as belowā€¦

Test1 view - (in panel mode) it now size along with the browser size. Thank you!

The second one

Test2 view - (in panel mode)

I cannot solve that. what I have done:

And then full panel mode with 1 picture Picture Elements Card Configuration with yaml:

But it keeps showing:

How can I size that to always fit the screen?

To be clear, your problem is with the height, correct?
In that case, your examples above, you should define for the row size instead of column.

Hi! May I know how can I make the pop up in the sidebar info looks like this ā€” transparent with blurred back ground?

And the pop up in the dashboard looks like this?


Using the existing themes, it looks like this - dark box:

I have copied and pasted from IOS Dark Theme to Mattiasā€™ themes.yaml but to no avail.

Yes, correct, how and where should I do that?

Try switching the same configuration you tested before, but defining % for rows.

Some experimentation with other cards will be very usefull.

Sory, I really do not know now what to doā€¦ should I change this:

  grid-template-columns: auto 30px 25%
  grid-template-rows: auto
  grid-template-areas: |

to this

  grid-template-columns: auto 30px 25%
  grid-template-rows: auto 30px 25%
  grid-template-areas: |

because that does not do anything. sorry I am not a programmer but wanting to learn. And this is too steap leaning for nowā€¦ appreciate all the help I can getā€¦

Thanks for this job

Found out a solution:
Changing a nameā€™s width and margin-top are required.

      - entity: sensor.cleargrass_1_co2
        name: name font for a very long name
                $: |
                  .badge-container .title {
                    margin-top: 11px !important;
          .: |
            :host {
              --ha-label-badge-title-font-size: 7px;
              --ha-label-badge-title-width: 48px;

Added it here (ā€œChanging a font size for the nameā€ part):
Badges: different styling

Where did you get those screenshots?

Hi! Those screenshots came from my Home Assistant based on the projects/contributions of Mattias_Persson, kalkih, basnijholt and the others.

Hi all,

Iā€™m trying to change the margin in the following screenshot:

Iā€™ve tried many variations of code. Hereā€™s a MWE with the latest attempt at the bottom:

    type: 'custom:layout-card'
    layout_type: custom:grid-layout
    grid-template-columns: 25% 25% 25% 25%
    grid-template-rows: auto
    grid-template-area: |
      "1" "1" "1" "1"
      "2" "2" "2" "2"
      "3" "3" "3"
      "4" "4" "4" 
      "5" "5" "5"
      "6" "6" "6" 
    grid-gap: 0px
      - type: 'custom:button-card'
        template: media_service
          name: Plex
          service: media_player.select_source
          entity: media_player.living_room_tv
          type: source
          data: Plex
          picture: /local/ui/btns/plex.png 
          grid-area: 1
      - type: 'custom:button-card'
        template: media_service
          name: Partage
          service: media_player.select_source
          entity: media_player.living_room_tv
          type: source
          data: Screen Share
          picture: /local/ui/btns/screenshare.png
          grid-area: 1
      - type: 'custom:button-card'
      - type: 'custom:button-card'
        template: media_volume_vertical
          service: media_player.volume_up
          picture: /local/ui/btns/volume_up_vertical.png
          top: 20%
          grid-column: 4
          grid-row-start: 3
          grid-row-end: span 2
      - type: 'custom:button-card'
        template: media_volume_vertical
          service: media_player.volume_down
          picture: /local/ui/btns/volume_down_vertical.png
          top: 0%
          grid-column: 4
          grid-row-start: 5
          grid-row-end: span 2
                button-card: |
                  #root > * {
                    margin: 0px !important;

Any ideas or tips?